The Student Room Group
Reply 1

How did your interviews all go? Did you all LOVE the wonderful people running the interview welcome desk? That Mancunian lawyer was especially wonderful wasn't he? :biggrin:

On a serious note though, GOOD LUCK to all of you, both those who have had their interviews, and those now waiting on :eek: THAT :eek: letter that will pop through your letterbox at the end of this month!
Reply 2
Did you all LOVE the wonderful people running the interview welcome desk? That Mancunian lawyer was especially wonderful wasn't he? :biggrin:

Personally, I shall be surprised if anyone accepts a place at Selwyn this year now :p:

those now waiting on :eek: THAT :eek: letter that will pop through your letterbox at the end of this month!

Ah, you really know how to relax them don't you... :wink:

Seriously though, I hope the experience wasn't too traumatic for all concerned, try not to spend all Christmas thinking about it! :biggrin:
Reply 3
Did you all LOVE the wonderful people running the interview welcome desk? That Mancunian lawyer was especially wonderful wasn't he? :biggrin:

Personally, I shall be surprised if anyone accepts a place at Selwyn this year now :p:

those now waiting on :eek: THAT :eek: letter that will pop through your letterbox at the end of this month!

Ah, you really know how to relax them don't you... :wink:

Seriously though, I hope the experience wasn't too traumatic for all concerned, try not to spend all Christmas thinking about it! :biggrin:
hehe how did it all go? i'm on welcome desk next week!

(and i just worked out who you are, SirScally!)
hehe how did it all go? i'm on welcome desk next week!

(and i just worked out who you are, SirScally!)
Reply 6
It has been good! I'm loitering in the bar for the rest of this week too! Who are you scarlet_ibis, and how have you possibly worked out who I am when I am such a quiet, inconspicuous character? :wink:

Btw Boz, you are a cheeky chappie! How dare you suggest that I wouldn't have made the interviewees feel 'comfortable'? :biggrin:
I'm THE second year architect. theres only one of me. I'm mates with some of the second year lawyers - you may have come across me!
Reply 8
Gotcha! I know who you are now, with the help of the trusty facebook! :biggrin:
Reply 9
I had my interview (Bio) Natsci at selwyn on the 6th.

It was nothing like I expected and they seemed short?

It didnt seem to terribly challenging either!

just thought id say hi.
