The Student Room Group

I think my flatmate has an ED

My room is nect to the toilet, and the walls are really thin. So I can hear pretty much everything that goes on in there (not pleasant at times). And pretty much every night one of my flatmates is always sick. The first few times I just brushed it off as she had been drinking too much, but it's now too regular for that.

I'm not at all close to her, so I don't want to approach her myself. And I haven't got any proof either.

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Reply 1
My room is nect to the toilet, and the walls are really thin. So I can hear pretty much everything that goes on in there (not pleasant at times). And pretty much every night one of my flatmates is always sick. The first few times I just brushed it off as she had been drinking too much, but it's now too regular for that.

I'm not at all close to her, so I don't want to approach her myself. And I haven't got any proof either.
ED - eating disorder ???

talk to her
ED - eating disorder ???

talk to her
Reply 4
you have to talk to her. sometimes its easier talking about the probably with someone who isnt as close as her normal friends are. just ask her if theres anything shed like to talk about, any problems shes havin etc, if ur the only one whos hearing and noticing this, then you might b the one who can 'save' her?
Reply 5
you have to talk to her. sometimes its easier talking about the probably with someone who isnt as close as her normal friends are. just ask her if theres anything shed like to talk about, any problems shes havin etc, if ur the only one whos hearing and noticing this, then you might b the one who can 'save' her?
Reply 6
Have a word with her.

It's bad for her, and not only that, but you need to use that toilet and that's disgusting. Plus you get to hear it. Banning her from being sick in the house would help her stop.

how on earth can you ban someone from being sick?! Surely if she wants to be sick, she'll be sick. And if she's that desperate to be sick, she'll just go somewhere else and do it. Good for the poster as they don't have to listen to it anymore, but not good for the person throwing up if they do have an eatin disorder

To the OP - does anyone else in your flat know her well enough? Perhaps you could speak to them and see if they know anything. If you don't her very well I can't see you walking staright up to her and asking if she has an eating disorder being any good as she'll probably just sya thats it none of your business.........
Reply 7
Have a word with her.

It's bad for her, and not only that, but you need to use that toilet and that's disgusting. Plus you get to hear it. Banning her from being sick in the house would help her stop.

how on earth can you ban someone from being sick?! Surely if she wants to be sick, she'll be sick. And if she's that desperate to be sick, she'll just go somewhere else and do it. Good for the poster as they don't have to listen to it anymore, but not good for the person throwing up if they do have an eatin disorder

To the OP - does anyone else in your flat know her well enough? Perhaps you could speak to them and see if they know anything. If you don't her very well I can't see you walking staright up to her and asking if she has an eating disorder being any good as she'll probably just sya thats it none of your business.........
Reply 8
ban her from being sick? leaflets? how unsensitive can u be?
i agree with whoever said try talking to someone she's close to and if there is noone then talk to her. As if she's not close to anyone else then she'l probably appreciate someone to talk to anyway.
perhaps do some research first to learn good ways to tackle the issue.
do you have a 'nightline' type help line at your uni?
often ppl with ed can find it quite embarrassing and very difficult to accept.
but remember if you do approach her about this u have to follow through cos she clearly needs help so if your not prepared to be the one (if you dont get along or something) then try find someone who can help her get through the problem.
Reply 9
ban her from being sick? leaflets? how unsensitive can u be?
i agree with whoever said try talking to someone she's close to and if there is noone then talk to her. As if she's not close to anyone else then she'l probably appreciate someone to talk to anyway.
perhaps do some research first to learn good ways to tackle the issue.
do you have a 'nightline' type help line at your uni?
often ppl with ed can find it quite embarrassing and very difficult to accept.
but remember if you do approach her about this u have to follow through cos she clearly needs help so if your not prepared to be the one (if you dont get along or something) then try find someone who can help her get through the problem.
If she can't be sick in her own house it'll stop her from being sick during the evening.

Of course she can ban her from being sick - she has to use that toilet and it's really disgusting. It is her business as she gets to listen to it every night, and has to use that toilet.

Maybe put a few ED leaflets under her door?

What a stupid thing to suggest. Clearly you have no idea how an eating disorder works.
If she can't be sick in her own house it'll stop her from being sick during the evening.

Of course she can ban her from being sick - she has to use that toilet and it's really disgusting. It is her business as she gets to listen to it every night, and has to use that toilet.

Maybe put a few ED leaflets under her door?

What a stupid thing to suggest. Clearly you have no idea how an eating disorder works.
Reply 12
:rolleyes: Of course I don't, I only had one for years when I was younger, obviously I know nothing about it :rolleyes: Moron.

you can't ban someone you barely know from being sick - thats juts not going to happen. She'll only go and be sick somewhere else even if you could enforce it so what exactly does that solve? Nothing!
Reply 13
:rolleyes: Of course I don't, I only had one for years when I was younger, obviously I know nothing about it :rolleyes: Moron.

you can't ban someone you barely know from being sick - thats juts not going to happen. She'll only go and be sick somewhere else even if you could enforce it so what exactly does that solve? Nothing!
Just tell her about your concerns....or like someone else said talk to someone who knows her better. To be honest she might be glad that someone wants to help her....
Just tell her about your concerns....or like someone else said talk to someone who knows her better. To be honest she might be glad that someone wants to help her....
Reply 16
Why mention your theory to her at all? It's perfectly reasonable for you to say 'was that you puking last night? I can't help but hear - the toilet's right next to my room. It sounded pretty bad - are you okay?'

The thing is, whether you mention EDs or not, if she doesn't know you well she probably won't tell you what's going on. The best you can do is let her know that you're sympathetic and she can talk to you if she needs to - just try to get to know her better and be friendly.
Reply 17
Why mention your theory to her at all? It's perfectly reasonable for you to say 'was that you puking last night? I can't help but hear - the toilet's right next to my room. It sounded pretty bad - are you okay?'

The thing is, whether you mention EDs or not, if she doesn't know you well she probably won't tell you what's going on. The best you can do is let her know that you're sympathetic and she can talk to you if she needs to - just try to get to know her better and be friendly.
Reply 18
I think if I did ban her from being sick she either wouldn't listen or would just go somewhere else.

I really don't think I'm the best person for her to talk to, as I don't know her that well and I have my own problems at the moment.
Reply 19
I think if I did ban her from being sick she either wouldn't listen or would just go somewhere else.

I really don't think I'm the best person for her to talk to, as I don't know her that well and I have my own problems at the moment.