The Student Room Group
Reply 1
not personal experience (as im a bloke..) but i was talking to my friend about it.

when she started on it, she didnt have a period for 6 months, and then had one which lasted a month.

also, it hurt her stomach.

she has a little implanty thing now, which she is happy with,
I'd like to go on the injection as I'm becoming slightly forgetful with my pill, but if it means I don't get periods then I don't want it!
Reply 3
Generally, as you stay on it for a while your periods stop completely. At first they're completely random though, although usually lighter.
Reply 4
Hiya ive been on the injection for just over two years now, reason i didnt take the pill is that im really forgetfull and basically didnt trust myself to remember to take it every day! I havnt had a period since my first injection, i checked with the nurse and she assured me that it was okay. People have different reactions to the injection, but some of my friends are on it and they dont get periods either. Hope this helps!
Reply 5
I heard that the longer you skip periods the higher and higher they all build up until you stop taking contraceptive injections by which time your going to be in alot of pain.
Reply 6
I had a constant period (bleeding everyday) for a year but now my body has settled into it (been on it nearly 2 years), I haven't had any. I have to have my injection every 10 weeks instead of 12 otherwise I start getting the never-ending period again.
Reply 7
I heard that the longer you skip periods the higher and higher they all build up until you stop taking contraceptive injections by which time your going to be in alot of pain.

No not at all! The hormone in the injection stops the ovaries producing any egg at all, so there will be nothing to 'get rid off' when you stop having them. A period is basically an egg that has not been fertilised so therefore is flushed out of your body every month, but with no egg being produced there will be no build up of periods etc.
Reply 8
Ive been on the jab 4 years and haven't had a period for 3 years but i have put weight on. The pill used to give me headaches and sickness, so other than having nothing at all the jab was a good second choice!
I was on the injection but i came off and my periods took 8months to come back and they were fine. completely normal. When i went to go back on the injection in the summer, they told me i wasn't able to. As i was 18 and there was severe problems found with the jab and bones or something and they wouldn't give it to people under a certain age. I'm gonna try again when i go back home as i'm on the pill which is a hassle. But it's so weird they wouldn't give it to me, i no have no medical problems in my family or anything.
I had the problem that they were concerned because I was under 18 (only by like one month) when I went to have it. The whole bone thing is quite simple to recifty apparently (so I was told) all you need to do is ensure that you drink a glass of milk in the morning and in the evening. It's just low bone density.

I have been on it for nearly a month and no period or spontaneous bleeding which is good.

And it didn't even hurt when I had it :smile:! So it's all good!! looks like I wouldn;t be able to have it for a while if I did want to, as I'm not 18 :confused:
Go to your local family planning clinic. They might be able to do it. I mean the people with me didn't have a problem at all. It's worth trying.
I've had 2 injections and my periods stopped after the first. Which is a blessing considering when i was on the mplant i was regularly havin gheavy month-long+ periods.


lil_lee looks like I wouldn;t be able to have it for a while if I did want to, as I'm not 18 :confused:
nah to be honest they should let you have it, depends a bit on family history etc for risks, but if you explain its your preference they should do it. :smile:
she has a little implanty thing now, which she is happy with,

sorry but.. awww.. implanty thing :P how cute are you? lol.

i'd stick with the pill. i don't know how anyone can forget to take something so important. i wouldn't trust a jab personally.. or a coil (aka a implanty thing :P)

of course, you could just use a condom and be careful ?
Reply 15
There's no age limit for the jab! I've been on it since I was 17 and a friend of mine since she was 16.
sorry but.. awww.. implanty thing :P how cute are you? lol.

i'd stick with the pill. i don't know how anyone can forget to take something so important. i wouldn't trust a jab personally.. or a coil (aka a implanty thing :P)

of course, you could just use a condom and be careful ?
its quite esy to forget to take it if you're not used to it, after problems with implant i was frequently put on the pill and i forgot a few times. besides the injection and implant are about 99% effective so just as good as the pill :smile:

p.s. the implant goes in your upper arm, the coil..does not.. two different things
Reply 17
I was on the jab for two and half years with no periods, but two years after coming off if i still don't have regular periods, it took 18mths before i had my first one (up to 12mths is normal) and i've only has 2 since. I've had tests and there is nothing medically wrong with me, but i've been told i might just have to get used to having abnormal periods, they were perfectly regular before i went on the jab....

This is a personal experience and the chances of it happening are very low, you just need to go with what feels best for yourself :redface:)