The Student Room Group

chilli in my eye with contact lens

so yeah, I ****ed up! I was wearing a lens, and then cooked an absolutelly marvellous chilli con carne with chillies, and I rubbed my eye with the chilli juice still on my finger (either that or I have acid fingers). So I was in a load of pain, panicked, and took my lens out and stated into a shower for five minutes.

Should I wear the lens again? it's a monthly one and It's two days old, and they arent that cheap. What do you guys think, will the solution kill all the chilli stuff out?

so yeah, I ****ed up! I was wearing a lens, and then cooked an absolutelly marvellous chilli con carne with chillies, and I rubbed my eye with the chilli juice still on my finger (either that or I have acid fingers). So I was in a load of pain, panicked, and took my lens out and stated into a shower for five minutes.

Should I wear the lens again? it's a monthly one and It's two days old, and they arent that cheap. What do you guys think, will the solution kill all the chilli stuff out?


of course the solution will clean it out, that's what it's there for! it'll be fine.
Reply 2
it says it'll kill protein, I wasn't sure that the chilli (active ingredient) was a protein..

but thankyou! Ill reluctantly put that thing in my eye tomorrow
Reply 3
mmm chilli!
if i was you, id take it out right now, which i guess youve done. leave it in the solution overnight, and see how it is tomorrow. if its still hurting, chuck it away, if you have spare ones it wont make that much of a difference cost wise. give your eyes a rinse out with eyewash as well, and rinse the lens in solution after you take it out, and before you put it in the morning.
it says it'll kill protein, I wasn't sure that the chilli (active ingredient) was a protein..

but thankyou! Ill reluctantly put that thing in my eye tomorrow

if not you could always try dipping it in milk (i didn't have any solution to clean out my contacts [which were hurting] at school, and my science teacher reccommended me to rinse them with milk), and that seemed to do the job (although i have absolutely no idea why)!
Reply 5
well, milk is good to have when your curry is too hot so that makes some sense. Thanks, Ill try that as well if it's bad!
The chemical that makes chillis hot is capsaicin which is poorly soluble in water, and so that is why milk is more likely to wash it off.
Slighlty disappointed with this thread thought the thread title was punchline from a new joke.
Reply 8