Hi Kerry,
I'm 23. I'm regarded by universities as being a 'mature' student, although I still feel pretty young!
Unfortunately, I don’t think you can get onto a Dietetics course through clearing. I think this is because you have to attend an interview before being offered a place and since healthcare courses are so competitive all the places are taken by students who were offered a place after interview.
I am very much undecided between a career in Dietetics, Pharmacy or Medicine. But, I'm leaning towards Dietetics!
As I said before, I'm currently doing S103 and I need to choose another course to start in January. - I would use these OU qualifications to get onto a Dietetics degree. I'm not too keen on doing S205:the Molecular World, becuase it covers all 3 branches of Chemsitry and does not specialise in Organic, which I think would be most relevant to Dietetics. I'm trying to find out if the OU are going to introduce another Chemistry course sometime next year.
I assume that you do not have any science A-levels at all??
I think it would probably be a good idea for you to do S103 since it covers bio, chem, phys and maths and would give you a good foundation in science.
Exactly which unis offering the 4-yr Dietetics degree, did you contact?
And what precisely did they say about the OU courses? Did they say that those four science courses would only act in lieu of A-level Biology or would they cover A-level Chemistry aswell?