this is a bit boring once again but i suppose this is what this sub category is for-or seems to be.
Had a big row with my boyfriend of a year and a half 2 days ago. we ended on good terms though( it was on the phone -blerg). i acknowledged some things that i had to work on (worrying , insecurities) but he said some really horrible things like the fact that i was depressed at the moment due to circumstances didnt make him enjoy spending time with me, as he didnt want to be dragged down or something. anyway thats not really the point. the point is i was thinking about all this and i concluded that i needed some time off to gather my thoughts and decide what to do... so i emailed him and said so, and that i thought i shouldnt see him this weekend , and that we shouldnt speak for a few days, i wasnt trying to play around i just needed to gather my thoughts and calm down a bit. anyhow, the problem is he didnt get it before he left for interviews at oxbridge and now hes going to think im sulking of i dont call him. i feel he should just focus on his interviews (like hes been banging on about) . but the prob is he wont get this email now until saturday, so it all seems a bit pointless! he wont be aware of the fact that we're basically on a break ( tho i dont like to put it that way). i would call him and tell him but i dont realy want to call him and tell him just b4 his interview btw we're on a short break but good luck eh?!
it all seems stupid... i wanted to just try and stop being dependant on him, figure out what i wanted and whether i was happy in the relationship and not think about him for a bit. but now as im worried and torn between wanting to be supportive abut his interviews and wanting to stick to my guns.
so. what to do?