The Student Room Group

Probably being paranoid - grumbling appendix?

I was in hospital a few months ago with suspected appendicitis - I had really bad pains in the lower right-hand side of my stomach, a fever, vomiting (basically all the classic signs of appendicitis), but the pain subsided after a few days, and although they found fluid in my abdomen on the ultrasound, they couldn't say if it was my appendix or something ovarian. However, every few weeks or so I keep getting pains in the same place and feeling a bit feverish - nowhere near as sore but still definitely there. Should I go and see my GP about it or is it probably just related to my cycle? Anyone have any experience of this sort of thing? I hate wasting drs time!!
Reply 1
I had appendicitis. I wouldn't say it grumbled as much as i just woke up one morning with a really bad stomach ache and could barely stand. So yours is obviously not at that stage yet - but you should just go check it out for peace of mind.
Reply 2
I have something similar. On the right side of my abdomen I can feel a kind of pressure, it's really weird and I can't find anything similar to it. There's no pain or fever or anything and I've had this a few months.
Sorry for hijacking the thread, I suggest you go see a doc if there's fever and pain.
i got mine taken out. i love my scar, its so sexy.
Reply 4
Thanks guys, I'll probably just nip into my GPs just to be safe. If it's nothing I'll be in and out in 5 minutes :smile:
Reply 5
i got mine taken out. i love my scar, its so sexy.

^o) How is it sexy?
Reply 6
^o) How is it sexy?

Sexy like a battle scar. :smile:
Reply 7
I was in hospital a few months ago with suspected appendicitis - I had really bad pains in the lower right-hand side of my stomach, a fever, vomiting (basically all the classic signs of appendicitis), but the pain subsided after a few days, and although they found fluid in my abdomen on the ultrasound, they couldn't say if it was my appendix or something ovarian. However, every few weeks or so I keep getting pains in the same place and feeling a bit feverish - nowhere near as sore but still definitely there. Should I go and see my GP about it or is it probably just related to my cycle? Anyone have any experience of this sort of thing? I hate wasting drs time!!

Have u a temperature????
38% of people who are addmited to hospital with abdomen pain -the cause goes undiagnosed.
Fluid in the abdomen is not good an needs drainin before it causes an infection i think.
Reply 8
Appendicitis is the worst! I couldnt stand, or move come to that....
I had 3 bouts of appendicitis before it eventually burst. First was on holiday, second was almost a year later at a sleepover and 3rd time was 2 days after my birthday and thats wen it burst. You dont feel anything when it bursts tho, but the pain before and after is excruciating...worse than labour apparantly. You normally bring up a lot of bile and you wont be able to move, well i certainly couldn't! It was pretty gross when it burst because apparantly all my organs floated up my body and loads of toxins and stuff; it was really really messy they said.
It was horrible after, had these horrid drain things attached to my tummy, which hurt like hell when they ripped off and had to pee into a bag lol! :frown:
Because I already have a scar from having my kidney removed due to cancer, they couldnt open me up in the place they normally would to remove appendix so i have anice vertical scar running down from my belly button lol, how lovely!
Reply 9
Ascites... not harmful in itself I don't think but possibly the indication of something more sinister.

Agreed, GP's is best plan.
Reply 10
Meh, ive probably scared you....sorry! But yea best thing is to go to doctor and just get it checked out because it can be dangerous if left unnoticed...
Reply 11
I had 3 bouts of appendicitis before it eventually burst.!

"Bouts" ??
Reply 12
^o) How is it sexy?

I like mine too :smile:
^o) How is it sexy?

lol ok maybe its not sexy but you get my drift. but i couldnt walk and when i did i was all hunched over and like shuffled along, i felt bad cos my dad had to carry me, and i wasnt exaclty light :redface:
i went to the doctors the next day cos it was a sunday it started to hurt andmy sisters thought i was doing to to get out of church! :rolleyes: so the doctor thought i had constipation! :eek: i dont bloody think so! :eek:

but i had like a month off school or something, so its all good.
Appendicitis is the worst! I couldnt stand, or move come to that....
I had 3 bouts of appendicitis before it eventually burst. First was on holiday, second was almost a year later at a sleepover and 3rd time was 2 days after my birthday and thats wen it burst. You dont feel anything when it bursts tho, but the pain before and after is excruciating...worse than labour apparantly. You normally bring up a lot of bile and you wont be able to move, well i certainly couldn't! It was pretty gross when it burst because apparantly all my organs floated up my body and loads of toxins and stuff; it was really really messy they said.
It was horrible after, had these horrid drain things attached to my tummy, which hurt like hell when they ripped off and had to pee into a bag lol! :frown:
Because I already have a scar from having my kidney removed due to cancer, they couldnt open me up in the place they normally would to remove appendix so i have anice vertical scar running down from my belly button lol, how lovely!

omg poor you! im lucky that mine didnt burst, they said i had to have emgergency sergery but i was in there a week before they did anything :rolleyes: Anyway youve been through alot! :eek:
Reply 15
I have something like this but VERY occasional- quite bad and i've been told it's either...WAIT FOR IT....a SPASMING FALLOPIAN TUBE/Ovulation!!!!! HA! Doc is the best bet..!
Reply 16
I have something like this but VERY occasional- quite bad and i've been told it's either...WAIT FOR IT....a SPASMING FALLOPIAN TUBE/Ovulation!!!!! HA! Doc is the best bet..!

It's a possibility I guess - I've heard it said that emotional stress can bring on spasms in the fallopian tubes, and I've had my share of that recently! Do you take anything for it, like mebeverine? I don't know if it would work for this kind of thing though.