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I can't sleep!

Over the last few weeks I seem to have developed an inability to sleep. I literally cannot turn my brain off until around 6am, at which time I drift off only to wake up a few hours later and complete a whole day of lectures. It's driving me insane. I'm find myself bored and lonely and end up trawling the internet in the early hours of the morning, having an inane conversation with a twit in Alabama about the Uk is going to be struck by some horrible disaster because we've just legalised gay marriage :rolleyes:

Any tips on how to get a good night's sleep? I don't find myself feeling that tired but I feel like I ought to be able to get a decent night's rest because sooner or later it's going to catch up with me. Is there anyway I can trick my mind into shutting down. It sounds slightly dumb but I just can't stop thinking!

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Reply 1
weed or alcohol.
Reply 2
Make sure your room is dark and preferably free from as much noise as possible (you might need an eye mask/ear plugs for this).

Try not to have caffinated drinks too close to bed time.

Maybe have a drink of walm milk (or milk based hot chocolate or similar) before bed.

If it does get really bad you could try a herbal sleeping tablet from somewhere like Boots as a short term remedy.
Reply 3
Over the last few weeks I seem to have developed an inability to sleep. I literally cannot turn my brain off until around 6am, at which time I drift off only to wake up a few hours later and complete a whole day of lectures. It's driving me insane. I'm find myself bored and lonely and end up trawling the internet in the early hours of the morning, having an inane conversation with a twit in Alabama about the Uk is going to be struck by some horrible disaster because we've just legalised gay marriage :rolleyes:

Any tips on how to get a good night's sleep? I don't find myself feeling that tired but I feel like I ought to be able to get a decent night's rest because sooner or later it's going to catch up with me. Is there anyway I can trick my mind into shutting down. It sounds slightly dumb but I just can't stop thinking!

Have you had a lot of work to do? Because with your mind suddenly thinking like that could cause restlessness with thoughts.

Avoid the internet- read something- textbooks are good because they can bore your socks off and get you to sleep immediately.

What you can do is get only a few hours sleep, and the next night just go to bed early, with a book and a mug of hot chocolate, and you should be able to sleep earlyish.

Good luck!
Reply 4
oh, wordsworth.

i tried to read that at 5pm the night before my englit a-level, and it put me to sleep.
Reply 5
i like the other guys^^^ suggestion - pull an all nighter 1 night and you'll be knackered by the next one! Shocks your system back into a sleep routien
Reply 6
Can't keep my eyes open any longer.
Reply 7
but he says he normally only gets a few hours sleep...

since last wednesday i have only had about 30 hours sleep. it is definitely a good way to make yourself tired!
Reply 8
i on the other hand happily sleep till 12 everyday (2pm on weekends). Mid day sleeps with the sun pouring into the room is the best.
Reply 9
I think the problem is I've been pulling a lot of all nighters in order to get work done recently, as well as have being going clubbing quite a bit, what with the christmas season upon us and all :smile:

I might go have a hot drink in a minute and try and read something very boring in a minute. Any suggestions?

So what's everyone elses excuse for being online at this time of night?
Reply 10
wordsworth is boring, if you have that.
one of my latin textbooks :P

im finishinf an essay.
been reading since friday for it, just didnt start it till 9 tonight!
Reply 11
Try to get into a routine without caffeine, internet, TV, etc. for about an hour before bed. I recommend bath/shower, hot chocolate and a good book.
Reply 12
try to get to sleep by 12-1.30 ish, and don't use the internet for quite a time before you go to bed, stay away from caffeinated drinks, and read a book or something in bed until you start to feel sleepy then turn off the light, and sleep.
Reply 13
Have a spliff before you go to bed and you wont be able to do anything other than sleep!
Reply 14
ok an as insomniac for 7 years i can offer some advice!!!!!
a warm bath with lavander bubbles/soap,
a warm drink- milk with a little sugar (LITTLE) is good,
NO CAFFEINE: coca cola/coffee/tea etc etc.,
there are these cool things called Pillow Pearls- from Boots- get them and out them on your pillow- they're really relaxing,
don't do anything but relax for at least half an hour before bed- no tv, computer games, reading etc., give your eyes a rest especially after working all day,
try and set a routine- aim to be in bed at, say 10:30 every night or something.

i know all that's asking a lot but a good friend of mind set me straight and it's reallt starting to work now...AT LAST :biggrin:

good luck!
Reply 15
ok an as insomniac for 7 years i can offer some advice!!!!!
a warm bath with lavander bubbles/soap,
a warm drink- milk with a little sugar (LITTLE) is good,
NO CAFFEINE: coca cola/coffee/tea etc etc.,
there are these cool things called Pillow Pearls- from Boots- get them and out them on your pillow- they're really relaxing,
don't do anything but relax for at least half an hour before bed- no tv, computer games, reading etc., give your eyes a rest especially after working all day,
try and set a routine- aim to be in bed at, say 10:30 every night or something.

i know all that's asking a lot but a good friend of mind set me straight and it's reallt starting to work now...AT LAST :biggrin:

good luck!

wow thats really good advice! i used to have the same go to bed after 4 everyday and wake up in a couple of hrs! im a little better now and can't get enough of sleeping!! i think for me i uusally read a book before i go sleep coz it makes my eyes reeally tired! sometimes i drink milk...

doing an all nighter the night before deffinitely makes me tired! i only had 6 hrs sleep in 48 hrs and the next day i came home n slept for 13 hrs straight!!! lol felt really good!
Reply 16
oh yeah, it'll do that.
Try some lavender on your pillow. :smile:
I read somewhere... Don't drink anything that contains caffeine (ie Tea, Coffee, Coke) after 4pm. and if you can't sleep still, do push ups or sit ups! that's what my brother usually do when he can't sleep!
Reply 19
Sounds weird, but always works for me.
Imagine you're in a lift, and try to visualise it as vividly as possible. You're on the 100th floor, and just keep picturing yourself looking at the thing that ses '100..99..98' and think the numbers in your head slowly, making sure you never rush it or lose sight of the picture in your head. I've never got lower than 40 before, and always wake up in the morning and go 'ooh, it must have worked then'.