The Student Room Group

DENTISTRY- sheffield interview

Have and interview in january at sheffield for dentistry. Has anyone had one yet? what was it like? formal/informal?
I was rejected from cardiff last quite worried bout doing well in this interview and so would really appreciate any help and advice anyone has. Thank u!!

Also has anyone heard from kings or queen marys yet? i havent heard a thing....only a confirmation letter from kings.
would be very grateful for any comments.
go on you will find loads of interview questions and help from current students!
Reply 2
Hmm a bit late to reply so if you've had the interview, hope it went well. Otherwise: the day itself is quite informal, with a few talks (one was about accomodation), a tour of the dental sch with a dental student, a trip to the dissection lab and a visit to the union for lunch. The interview is quite formal but not nerve - wrecking. Just be honest and remember things from your day in Sheffield as they may help you answer questions.
Reply 3
heyyy i am thinkin of doing dentistry in sheffield ..u think i will get in with all Bs,1A,1A* at gcse and looking to get for AS 3As and 1B for maths chem bio and geog..any chance?

i was just wondering what is the uni like ? and how do u guys like life??

also im attending the open day and i wanted to know what is the best way to get there? im travelling from london. i want to travel not by car though. whats the cheapest is it by train or what? please let me know..

delerius x
Reply 4

I have read in the univesity websites that typical students usually have 6-8 A's at GCSE..But i would double check with some unis especially u seem to be doin well at Alevels
good luck
Reply 5
really if u can get predicted AAA, get loads of work experience and and excellent reference, then this will balance out your gcse grades, and you may well stand a chance.
Reply 6
Go by train and make sure you visit the dental school as well as the main part of the university. I went to sheffield in January I loved it. It's super duper :P You will love it :biggrin: apply there! lol