The Student Room Group

Inspiration/ motivation

How do you lads motivate yourself to train.

I'm finding it very hard at the mo. I've got loads of uni work, xmas brings the usual hangovers and its cold outside and i have to walk to my gym about a mile away.

It just feels like there's so much else to do that's more fun. but if i don't go down the gym i'll lose weight and get angry so i need to carry on thru the vacation.

Are there any tips from your own gym lives you've got. if you're new to the sport thats even better because the dicipline is harder to achieve when starting out.

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Try joining a rowing club, they MAKE you train everyday.
Reply 2
i did this term and it made me shrink. my biceps must have shrunk two inches. i gave up as i didn't want that level of commitment.
I guess getting a five way body building machine would do rightly. Just make a few CD's with your favourite songs on them, get a CD player, clean out a spare room, Garage etc and train like there's no tommorow.
Reply 4
i don't train at home and try to avoid machines as much as possible. there's no substitute for iron. once i'm down the gym its fine. a good bunch of lads who all bounce together at a local nightclub and a soundtrack of Guns and Roses, Nickleback and other American Cheese make it an enjoyable experience. it's just being arsed to train in the first place.
Free weights then - Those are probably cheaper. The thing is you cant be arsed to go to the gym. That's why it'd be better to train at home.
I enjoy going to the gym. Getting fit and toning up was one of the contributing factors to the boost in my confidence. Another reason is i'm very competitive - I love being the fitest out of my friends.
Yes - That'd motivate you quite a bit actually. The fact that you are way fitter than your friends.
Reply 8
print out a pic like this or this or this and put it somewhere you can see everyday. you will be dying to hit the gym. thats what works for me when i cant be bothered.


btw i serrrrrrrrrrrriously doubt you lost 2 inches on your arms (i prosume you mean arms, cuz if you lost 2 inches from your bicep there would be nothing left of it) from a little while off. i have taken months off training before and done plenty of cardio but didnt lose very much mass.
Reply 9
i admit it wasn't two inches. Felt like it tho. my diets been off a bit as well with all the late nights. I'm gonna print the one of lee priest off. he looks amazing. Light years ahead of anyone i've ever met on the british circuit.
Reply 10
lol of course he is gonna be lightyears ahead. he must have the best arms these days. shame about his chest, traps and midgetness. heres a pic of dex that does wonders for motivation too.
Reply 11
As much as I'd love to print out and put loads of pictures of men in their underwear around my room, I don't really think its that appropriate..
Reply 12
If you dont want to train, then dont. You obviously dont want it enough.
Reply 13
My gym visits actually increase around this time of year.

Makes a good revision break and does wonders for stopping you lazing about.
Reply 14
As much as I'd love to print out and put loads of pictures of men in their underwear around my room, I don't really think its that appropriate..

your obviously not too comfortable with your sexuality if your worried about looking at the same sex in underwear as you put it
Reply 15
I cant really comment on this article i find it hard to go frequently aswell, i think that you just have to bite the bullet and go and once you get your routine back you will be fine. Although Godsizes idea of buying a whole gym for your house might also work:rolleyes:.
Reply 16
lol of course he is gonna be lightyears ahead. he must have the best arms these days. shame about his chest, traps and midgetness. heres a pic of dex that does wonders for motivation too.

Oh god, I'm not sure that would motivate me to do anything but vomit! It certainly won't get me down the gym. But then I'm not a bodybuilding fiend.
Reply 17
i'd be a bit worried if any bird wanted to look like lee and co.

you're right, he is a midget.
Reply 18
:mad: :mad: :mad:

Reply 19
i'd be a bit worried if any bird wanted to look like lee and co.

you're right, he is a midget.

I've only ever seen one bird looking like the average muscly-type man, and she didn't look 'cool'...