The Student Room Group
Hey, which quality York club are you looking at applying to?
Reply 2
Lol yes the quality of York nightclubs....

Nexus (on Rougier Street) are looking for festive(and beyond) staff at the moment.
"festive" staff, eh?

Wait, that's the place all those bloody flyers come from, isn't it? Mischief etc.

I suppose working in the cloakroom wouldn't be too bad, but still yeurgh! *shudder*
Reply 4
Hmmm,I haven't seen any flyers but I haven't really been into the city since I've been back here(except to go to/from work...all of...5 metres from the bus stop,or something...)

I went in Nexus once(when I was 16,oops)...was a bit drunk(again,oops!)...don't remember much about it hahaha. They are also looking for bar staff,but there is NO WAY I am doing that!Cloakroom can't be too hard-just take people's coats etc.
I think you'd get the least exposure to "funny" drunk people in the cloakroom, but it won't stop old men trying to chat you up, and "exceptionally" drunk people projectile vomiting towards you.

But if it pays good...
Reply 6
OK that vomiting comment has seriously put me off!
The joys of nightclubs!
Reply 8
at least you can have a laugh as well as work!!!

how wonderful drunken fools coats and stuff i bet that is easy!!

someone puked on me once for walking toward them!!!! yum yum!!! i spent the night wipeing my legs outside airing out my boots so they didn't stink of puke lol!!!
Reply 9
at least you can have a laugh as well as work!!!

how wonderful drunken fools coats and stuff i bet that is easy!!

someone puked on me once for walking toward them!!!! yum yum!!! i spent the night wipeing my legs outside airing out my boots so they didn't stink of puke lol!!!

OK I changed my mind.
Reply 10
When i worked at rock city, i did a few shifts on the cloakroom - it's an ok job just remember to take something to read as you'll be hideously bored the majority of the night. if its a big club then it can get manic at the end when everyones trying to get their coats but its cool, i quite enjoyed doing it as it was easy and a nice break from the stress of bar work at times.
Reply 11
I would probably quite enjoy a job like that.

Well, not enjoy. But it sounds like easy money aside from the rush at the end... which I'm already used to.
Reply 12
id like a piss easy job lol stand there getting peoples coats and stuff how cool!!
Reply 13
Yeah you say cool and piss easy now.....

try having to deal with irate people when coats go missing...
or 6 hours straight of nothing to do and no one to talk to :-\