The Student Room Group

confident/popular people

How come the confident/popular/arrogant type people throughout high school/college never had any health problems such as panic attacks/fainting, epilepsy. Obviously there are exceptions but from what I remember from school it ws the kids in the 'unpopular' catagory that had all these problems :confused:
No idea why but im probably gonna get insulted for this post, might not even be true but its just how it seemed to me. :rolleyes:

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Reply 1
Why would you be insulted for this post?

The answer to your question is simple really. The 'unpopular' kids were probably more likely to suffer from things like stress and depression due to the bullying or 'unpopularness' and therefore were more likely to suffer from other health problems, leading to the things you said.

Or to look at it another way, these kids might have had more health problems in the first place, and thats why they ended up being unpopular. School can be a very cruel place for some kids.
it might be that the popular kids decided not to under any circumstances let anyone know if they had any problems health or otherwise. but yes i agree it definately seemed like that when i was at school
Reply 3
They're confident because they have nothing wrong with them and are popular because confidence is attractive.
And yes, it's crap.
Geeks rule.
no many 'popular' people do have problems but don't talk about it sure an awful lot of 'popular' girls (I really hate using that word 'popular' it means nothing about a person) have problems well in my school and class an awful lot of them have respiratory problems, skin problems or even are diabetic and theres even a girl in my school who has crohn's disease...but its never talked about if you have a health issue luckily in my school not many people slag you off for it nor talk about it - its to do with you no one else kinda thing :smile: xoxo
I guess they put a lot of effort into keeping it quiet. Wouldn't want to ruin their "image"...
i think alot is down to biological make-up - i'm a firm believer in genetic make-up and genetic implications - this nature rather than nurture...nature has alot to say too. I wouldn't say i've ever been popular, i'm a minority person in that i guess i only have a certain type of person, humour etc, that i can tolerate - generally i struggle to tolerate people (sp inc?), not anti-people but hmm....

Thats all besides my point - people are made up differently physically, i've just been given a bad hand of cards, can feel very nerve-wracked system-wise perhaps more so than most...but shít happens. :smile: Ok, we may all get nervous, anx attacks and panic attacks at some point, often in situation specific contexts, but some suffer worse than others - not due to outer influences, but perhaps greater consideration should be taken to the fact, some require less to be triggered in the human body to cause a nasty stir...etc. :confused:

Kill all confident people meh :wink:
If lack of confidence was attractive, i'd be far more pretty geekish too so this "geek=cool/popular" thing at the moment, what with the O-C character etc, give me some of that............
Reply 7
Why would you assume that all popular and confident people are arrogant? I think it is a common misconception, even if a minority of popular and confident people are indeed arrogant...

As for the original question, well I think it is a rather large generalisation so I can't really comment. No doubt it is to do with self-security and intrinsic happiness linking to good health. But, meh, wouldn't know...
I don't believe there's a correlation. I'm no "big personality" myself yet I'm weirdly healthy.
Reply 9
Geeks rule.

bend over wineblood
i'm not unliked and am fairly popular in certain crowds and i am very fit (lots of sport) but i am also diabetic and only about 4 people know about that with the exception of doctors , family and organisations e.g. school and clubs ( basically only 4 peers)
Reply 12
You don't advertise it, and you don't blame everything on x disease.

Odds are that one of the people you are referring to *does* have a health problem, but they are the only ones who know it. Of course, this only works with things you can hide (for example diabetes).

For things like that, people are 'forgiven' if they correct it quietly- i.e. bad eyesight, lasik.

BTW, I used to be so afraid to fly that I would have panic attacks on every flight. I read some books, and now I am *very* comfortable flying. I just kinda lay there. :p:
But I never allowed anyone who wasn't family see me in that state though. You choose what you revel to your social world.
Reply 13
you cant become a popular kid without getting on with you cant be arrogant if you are popular.the arrogant people at school are called *****.they r not even popular.
Reply 14
the unpopular kids get bullied because of their problems?
Popular people can suffer in different ways. One of the most popular, good looking, very athletic, well dressed boys I know (who has girls falling at his feet!) suffers from the complete inablity to talk to girls he likes. He just kinda stands there looking at the ground, which to an outside observer is sweet but gets very irritating for the girls in question. In fact he's lost some over it!
What twaddle, I just think they don't make themselves out to be ostracised because of it. One of my best friends is really, amazingly, everybody loves her stunningly pretty etc. Popular...She has Chrones (Chrons?) Syndrome. Often in quite a lot of pain but she's outgoing, gets tired easy but she never acts like life has done her a raw deal.

Another majorly popular guy had CF last year. He was in all the rugby teams, they were so supportive of him, if he couldn't play as he was too ill, they helped him etc. Was so touching, they presented him with a huge cup at the end of the year to 'show their appreciation' and gave him a first team shirt - he was so ill last year he never got to play :frown:

Everyone has problems, whether 'popular' or not - what IS popular anyway?
Chances are 'popular' kids have problems but they're less obvious. Does anyone else notice a kind of hierachy in their year group?
Reply 18
Chances are 'popular' kids have problems but they're less obvious. Does anyone else notice a kind of hierachy in their year group?

In high school yes, but not now I'm at sixth form. I think a lot of the "popular" people's friends hang around with them because they're scared of them.
Yeah a sort of if your not in with me then your out.....pretty crappy really!