The Student Room Group
Reply 1
invest in a gun.

or if your mum knows who he is, get the police onto him. what he is doing is illegal.
Reply 2
999 :smile:
go all hooded up and kick the living crap out of the guy. Or do the right thing and call the police.
Reply 4
Replace it with an electric fence :smile:
Reply 5
Put a spike on the other side so he kicks it and loses his foot :biggrin:.
Reply 6
You mention your mum is a teacher (apparently for no reason), maybe he is a disillusioned student of hers.
Reply 7
Get a camcorder and film him doing it. Then call the police.
Reply 8
Thanks the police are not interested though
Reply 9
I'm guessing you're female since you haven't confronted this disgruntled pupil. It's a tricky one, I guess you could try talking to him when he does it again, and ask why he's doing etc, try bringing him round. If that fails, offer him something to stop him doing it :-p

If you happen to be male by the way - just be a man and punch him really hard in the face.
Seriously, just jump out on him holding something, if he's frightened enough that he ****s himself he won't come back.
Get a dog.
Reply 12
Videotape him doing it, show it to the police.

IF you dont have the video then they cant do much cos theyre lazy.

Or maybe tell a male friend, maybe adult who can talk to him/beat him up with a fence panel :wink:
Reply 13
LOL, similar thing happened to me actually. We have a main fence and behind that, an older fence, then a park. Some little neds were breaking bits off the old fence to use for bike jumps etc.

I started taking pot shots at the new fence with my air rifle from my bedroom window when they tried it again. The buggers quicky soiled themselves and learned a valuable lesson about civility.

They'd still done a good bit of damage. Wish I'd hit one of them 'by accident'.

Get a dog.

Bloody good advise if you can be bothered with the time/financial investment. Either that or just confront them or do the photo/video thing and get the police. They'll at least get a caution for it.
Invest in a catapult and pelt him with rocks.
Reply 15
I started taking pot shots at the new fence with my air rifle from my bedroom window when they tried it again. The buggers quicky soiled themselves and learned a valuable lesson about civility.
