The Student Room Group

Luvvie Society

OK, I'm thinking society for those who luv the Luvvie actors/tresses, darlings!

Such legends may include:
Emma Thompson
Kenneth Branagh
Stephen Fry
Imelda Staunton
Hugh Laurie
Colin Firth
Hugh Grant
Alan Rickman
Celia Imrie
Tony Slattery
Phyllida Law
Richard Briers
Brian Blessed
Helena Bonham-Carter (although I personally am not a fan, for many reasons)
Anthony Hopkins

etc etc....

Millions more, I know, but that's a start. Any additions, tell me :biggrin:
So, anyone up for discussion about some of the luvvier films, or the actors/tresses themselves, you know where to come! Hope this hasn't been done before, I did check. And it's not just any film/actor soc, but specifically ze luvvies, dontcha know.

So come on dahlings, let's give it a go!

Mwah! :love:
Reply 1
Dont wanna sound completely stupid but what exactly is a 'luvvie'? :confused:
Reply 2
i'll join xxx
Reply 3
Dont wanna sound completely stupid but what exactly is a 'luvvie'? :confused:

Lol good point!

Well, one online description I found was:

1. facetious
Someone, originally in the theatre, but now also generally, who speaks and behaves in an overly pretentious or camp manner.



Basically, it's not always used in a complimentary way, heh. But I embrace the actors who have fallen under the title of luvvie and think they are the fabbest, for many reasons. They're like the upper class-er-y, over-acting-y type actors, and eg. Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie and Emma Thompson were all at Cambridge together and were in the Footlights review etc etc. Just that kinda thing...

Is hard to explain! But there you go. A start.
Reply 4
And yay! Welcome to ye Lil-Angel! Fab to see you!

Do you have any particular interest in the luvvie scene? :p:

eg. my ultimate favourites are Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson, and my bestest luvvie film ever is Peter's Friends. (although much ado about nothing comes V close!)
Reply 5
:frown: I'm so depressed at the lack of Luvvies on TSR that I'm going to watch Peter's Friends again. :biggrin:
OK, I'm thinking society for those who luv the Luvvie actors/tresses, darlings!

Such legends may include:
Emma Thompson
Kenneth Branagh
Stephen Fry
Imelda Staunton
Hugh Laurie
Colin Firth
Hugh Grant
Alan Rickman
Celia Imrie
Tony Slattery
Phyllida Law
Richard Briers
Brian Blessed

etc etc....

Millions more, I know, but that's a start. Any additions, tell me :biggrin:
So, anyone up for discussion about some of the luvvier films, or the actors/tresses themselves, you know where to come! Hope this hasn't been done before, I did check. And it's not just any film/actor soc, but specifically ze luvvies, dontcha know.

So come on dahlings, let's give it a go!

Mwah! :love:

i'll join too! :smile:
Reply 7
i'll join too! :smile:

Woo :biggrin:

Any faves from the list or otherwise? :p:
Reply 8
Michael Winner has to win definately

Not sure why stephen fry is on there though??
Reply 9
Michael Winner is a total a***! No way he's goin on the list :p: Comedy potential perhaps... :biggrin:

Er, because Stephen Fry is part of the same set as Thompson etc, and is best friends with Laurie. They're all luvvies, dahling! Do you not watch QI? Stephen got hit with the 'Luvvie Alarm' the other week, for telling about a partay with the Duke and Duchess of Kent or something.

Trust me, he deserves to be there :biggrin: Bless him.