Personally, i wouldn't even do medicine if sum1 paid me to! (and even if i had all the necssary grades etc)
i think there are some things which you MIGHT not have taken into account. First of all, have you seen how much a medicine degree "costs"? (i.e. tuition fees etc..) it's shocking! (more than most other degrees, put it that way!) i think at this stage, you might not have taken that into account, but its VERY important!
the other thing, once you actually BECOME a doctor, it doesnt end there! you have to keep taking exams and it's just this neverending nightmare! (in my opinion)
i SERIOUSLY think that medicine is ONLY for those people, who have ALWAYS wanted to do it, and is their lifelong ambition. otherwise, it's a big no-no. and definitely dont apply for it, just because it seems like a cushy lifestyle and a "respected" job.
i mean, compared to the cost of the degree, the salary in my opinion doesn't make up for it at all. i mean, a lot of people will tell u how much doctors get paid, but a lot of that is given to their nurses etc...
i hope i have not completely put you off doing medicine, and a lot of current medics will be really peed off, but i seriously think you should ONLY do it if ur 100% sure. dont just apply because "ur good enough"