The Student Room Group

How do I stop this bad habit?

Right, when I'm nervous or anticipating something, or if I'm worried, I tend to pick at the skin around my nails, and my fingers in general. Pretty disgusting, but I can't help it sometimes. What can I do? Anyone else have this problem? I just do it subconsciously, and I'm scared it might turn into a problem.
I tried cutting my nails really short so I wouldn't be able to pick at my skin, but that's not preventing me from doing it.
Any help please?
Reply 1
wear gloves :rolleyes:
Reply 2


Also does anyone know if there is any cream that heals dry skin or scars easily?
Reply 3
or why not replace one bad habit with another? you could always take up smoking


for dry skin use e45 cream or aloe vera. for scars use cocoa butter, vitamin e cream or bio oil.
Reply 4
hmm I just revealed who I was *so stupid*.....
Reply 5
for dry skin use e45 cream or aloe vera. for scars use cocoa butter, vitamin e cream or bio oil.

cheers :cool:
Reply 6
When do you do it? If it's coz you're stressed or something then you'll be able to identify when you're stressed and possilbly then take steps to stop it. Or you could have something to fiddle with instead of your fingers.
Reply 7
I DO THAT TOO! :biggrin: Seriously, everyone thinks I have like horrific burns on my thumbs or something.

I've stopped myself doing it several times but then I always restarted during things like A-Level exams... Anyway, I wore cotton gloves, I wore surgical gloves, tried that nail-the-habit stuff... The best thing to do is to carry moisturiser around with you because often I find it's the scratchiness that makes me want to bite some more. I tried wearing loads of nail varnish once, that worked cos i was determined not to bite it off. Cuticle cream is good too, granted you can't touch anything for a while but I used to combine it with the cotton gloves and that worked really well.

Anyway, sorry, that was a bit of a ramble. I've bitten my fingers to shreds today stressing about an essay so you know, feel like a bit of a hypocrite, but with a bit of willpower these methods do work, seriously. It takes a while for your fingers to heal over though, so don't expect instant results.

Hope I was helpful in some small way!
yeh i do it to, the boyfriend gets at me constantly for it. i do it subconsciously when i'm nervous about something.
my thumbs are the worst, not too bad at the moment but during my exams i could harldy hold my pen!!
i have no idea how to break the habit, any tips would be very much appreciated! i must try the moisturiser thing! least i've quite smoking now though!!
Reply 9
I do it as well...I bite my nails until they're literally at the point that I can't get my teeth into them (or until they start bleeding, whichever comes first), then I start on the skin around my nails...been doing it for as long as I can remember and honestly can't think of anything that would stop me. Shame, really, because it does often get so bad that my fingers hurt like hell for days (I'm at that point with one finger right now, having pulled off part of the nail and some skin along with it...wasn't bleeding but it feels as painful as it would've if it was bleeding)

I get the problem from both of my parents. My dad bites his nails and my mum chews the skin, but I'm told that she used to bite her nails before...looks like there's no hope for me :biggrin:
well at least it's only the skin around the nails that's the issue for me....i never pick or bite my actual nails.
it really upsets me sometimes because i spend ages painting and shaping my nails, then the skin around them is a just a mess!!
i'm also obsessed with clipping at the skin with my nail clippers to make sure it's totally smooth and dry skin free and that my cuticles are tidy...often to the point of making myself bleed!!
argh...i'm sure it's some form of compulsive disorder/self harm....even though i'm sure i'm totally sane and stable!!
dammit i'm doing it now!!
Reply 11
I used to bite my nails down to the quick, and then chomp off the skin around it so I know wht you mean. My mum picks at ther cuticles, and the ony think i can recommend is that you get some worry beads or put plasters on your fingers. Altho you will look odd.
Reply 12
ok the glove thing has worked so far.. at least for now...
Reply 13
Icy Ghost
ok the glove thing has worked so far.. at least for now...
I bet a tenner you'll take the glove off and start gnawing away before the day's out :p: