The Student Room Group

Er - yes it is THAT thread again!

Ok i'm sorry because this is a really stupid and embarrasing problem (hence the annon user thing). But i am well and truely confuzzled. Seriously. CONFUZZLED!

Story so far:

So i started uni this year. Met some great people, having a ball etc etc etc. In my 'crowd', there is this guy who i get on with fairly well but its obvious that he likes me. I'm not being up my own arse or anything, but you know when you just know? Ok, it might sound stupid but im fairly certain. Anyway, thats not the point. Fact is that he's clearly told his mates, who now pester me every 5 minutes asking me what kinda guys i like, if i like anyone on our course etc etc etc. Normally it wouldn't bother me because i'd just ignore it and hope he's get over it.

Problem is that now i've been labelled as 'his' so now none of his friends/ our friends/ any guy from our social circle will come near me, because of course im his 'woman' and so it would be 'wrong'. See - thats what pisses me off. Because i've given him no indication that i like him, infact i've gone out of my way to pretend to fancy other guys so he'll get the message. But he hasn't. And now, the guy who i really do like (one of our friends) won't come near me with a ten foot barge pole! :frown:

I'm a kind person, honestly i am. But theres not much more i can take. How can i let him know i'm not interested without shattering what little confidence he has (i forgot to mention he's quite a shy guy)??

HELP! I think im gona go round the bend if i don't sort it out soon...

p.s. I think he's trying to pluck up the courage to corner me under the mistletoe this christmas :eek: If that doesn't motivate me to move fast i dont know what will!!
Go and talk with the guy who wont come close to you with the ten foot barge pole (if he runs away then dont) and he'll get the picture.
tell them ur bi then all the guys will be interested
To be honest, I'd find someone outside your social circle and stick your tongue down his throat as quickly as possible (make sure he is cute first, though). I know you like this guy but it is like a stupid man's code of honour thing that he definitely will not break. In my opinion dating people in your social circle is always asking for trouble anyway. Who knows? If you wait long enough then the stalker guy might get bored and find someone else and you'll be able to make your move.

OR: Shag both of them.
Reply 4
Yea...if they're good mates it's very unlikely that the guy you like will go after you. I'd say go find someone else that's not in your social circle..make things a lot easier
Reply 5
Objet trouvé
To be honest, I'd find someone outside your social circle and stick your tongue down his throat as quickly as possible (make sure he is cute first, though). I know you like this guy but it is like a stupid man's code of honour thing that he definitely will not break. In my opinion dating people in your social circle is always asking for trouble anyway. Who knows? If you wait long enough then the stalker guy might get bored and find someone else and you'll be able to make your move.

OR: Shag both of them.

threeway! threeway!
Reply 6
Go and talk with the guy who wont come close to you with the ten foot barge pole (if he runs away then dont) and he'll get the picture.

I don't mean literally - of course he talks to me (we're mates) but i mean come near me in the romantic sense. He's made it very clear that im 'off limits'. Its not gona be that shocking if i talk to him - we're friends so its nothing out of the ordinary.

Objet trouvé - Thanks for the advice. Its hard meeting people out of your social circle cos im the kinda person who likes to be friends first... So obviously that kinda destroys the whole idea.

Stupid man's code of honour ... :rolleyes: :frown:
Reply 7
Ok i'm sorry because this is a really stupid and embarrasing problem (hence the annon user thing). But i am well and truely confuzzled. Seriously. CONFUZZLED!

Story so far:

So i started uni this year. Met some great people, having a ball etc etc etc. In my 'crowd', there is this guy who i get on with fairly well but its obvious that he likes me. I'm not being up my own arse or anything, but you know when you just know? Ok, it might sound stupid but im fairly certain. Anyway, thats not the point. Fact is that he's clearly told his mates, who now pester me every 5 minutes asking me what kinda guys i like, if i like anyone on our course etc etc etc. Normally it wouldn't bother me because i'd just ignore it and hope he's get over it.

Problem is that now i've been labelled as 'his' so now none of his friends/ our friends/ any guy from our social circle will come near me, because of course im his 'woman' and so it would be 'wrong'. See - thats what pisses me off. Because i've given him no indication that i like him, infact i've gone out of my way to pretend to fancy other guys so he'll get the message. But he hasn't. And now, the guy who i really do like (one of our friends) won't come near me with a ten foot barge pole! :frown:

I'm a kind person, honestly i am. But theres not much more i can take. How can i let him know i'm not interested without shattering what little confidence he has (i forgot to mention he's quite a shy guy)??

HELP! I think im gona go round the bend if i don't sort it out soon...

p.s. I think he's trying to pluck up the courage to corner me under the mistletoe this christmas :eek: If that doesn't motivate me to move fast i dont know what will!!

I am having the *exact* same problem only I'm not at uni!! Haven't figured out a way to resolve the problem so I can't really offer any advice tho :frown:
Reply 8
You can't let the fact that this guy likes you to stop you from pursuing people you fancy. You can't tiptoe around trying to avoid hurting his feelings. For a start, he's made no secret of the fact he fancies you, so obviously if you liked him you'd have responded to that, and you haven't so that should be a big hint to him!