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Reply 1
Original post by fatits
Well i dont really know specifically which type of law, but im in year 11 and doing IB next year, and these are the following subjects i have chosen. (i can change some subjects at start of year 12)



i was wondering, if i suddenly do not want to go into LAW, what other courses are there that are open to me subjects? and also, i was wondering if i should change chemistry to biology, which subject out of these 2 is more open to university choices?

Anyways, i am also interested in psychology but i wont be able to take it in university because of history :frown: Well in my opinion, Economics is important overall i dont really think i should drop it.

Well, If i were to change SL history to psychology or some other subject, would that put me at a disadvantage when i pursue my LAW course in university? Since im not even doing HL english.

I see many people doing both HL english and HL history to pursue Law, should i atleast do HL history? I could, but that would mean dropping chinese HL to SL, which is my mother tongue. And History itself i dont believe is open to many university courses and careers.

So, all in all, To pursue LAW, is history essential and is SL history enough? would it make a big difference if i had HL history/english instead? If i didnt want to do LAW later on, what other courses can i do? (that are not sciency, i like creativity stuff but i didnt choose ART SL)

For law, if you're applying to an English University you need at least one subject at higher level that demonstrates good essay-writing and ability to argue. This would be either History HL or English HL. In an ideal world, you should take both, but if you had to choose one, I'd say History HL. Certainly do not substitute History for Psychology - History is the possibly closest IB subject to Law that universities can assess you by.

Generally offers for law have quite high conditions, and Chem HL is extremely difficult to get, say, a 7 in, so I'd recommend bringing Chemistry down to standard.

If Chinese is your mother tongue, your application may be frowned upon for doing Chinese B HL, as a B language is aimed at people who are studying a foreign language, and would be far too easy for someone to whom the language is native. Thus, I'd recommend taking Chinese B down to standard (which guarantees you a 7) and hopefully universities won't pay much attention to it as they focus on HL subjects. But it's still a risk, and technically you're not allowed to do Chinese B with your background, so unis have the right to penalise you for that (but luckily for you, most UK unis don't fully understand the IB!). If you want to be absolutely safe, take out chinese altogether and replace it with an ab initio language.

Good Luck!
Reply 2
Original post by Tommer
Another thing is, in the UK you don't have to study law to be a lawyer. Many people do other subjects (e.g history, chemistry, psychology, media) and then study for their bar exams afterwards. Do you want to study law or do you want to be a lawyer?

Not quite true; you still have to do a conversion course.


Generally, Law doesn't have any subject you must have - however as said above it's very helpful to have a subject at HL that shows you can write essays.
Reply 3
I applied for law and i did:
HL History, English, Economics
SL Math, Physics, Thai

history is good because as someone said before it shows you can write essays and argue points well and defend your points of view. it also shows good analytical skills. my personal statement was pretty much based on my highers.

its also good if you can pick other analytical subjects or logic based ones . yeh
Reply 4
I applied with
HL History, English, Spanish
SL Biology, Maths Studies and Geography

In my opinion you only need analytical subjects at HL, so Chemistry could go down to SL in order for you to maximise your points total. Apparently the best mix at HL would include History and English.
Reply 5
Original post by dreamin10
I applied with
HL History, English, Spanish
SL Biology, Maths Studies and Geography

In my opinion you only need analytical subjects at HL, so Chemistry could go down to SL in order for you to maximise your points total. Apparently the best mix at HL would include History and English.

Law loves Chemists. Look at the number of people who go from Chemistry into Law conversion courses.
I know some friends in law who've taken the most random IB subjects. Honestly, i think you're fine as you are. (actually, if you know Chinese, every one will love you at the moment). Good luck :smile: there's nothing in HL english or history that helped me with law, the only thing i found from IB that helped me with law were TOK (for jurisprudence) and Econ (for company law) and it's tiny. The only highschool subject that helps with a law degree directly is A-level politics, and A-level law.
Reply 7
Uhm, other than english at HL there ain't really much you /need/.

My subjects were:
HL english, physics, ITGS, maths
SL french, chemistry
and i got offers from all the universities i applied to. I think they mainly look for subjects that require logic/critical thinking, and essay writing skills (e.g. english, history, philosophy).
Original post by fatits
Well i dont really know specifically which type of law, but im in year 11 and doing IB next year, and these are the following subjects i have chosen. (i can change some subjects at start of year 12)



i was wondering, if i suddenly do not want to go into LAW, what other courses are there that are open to me subjects? and also, i was wondering if i should change chemistry to biology, which subject out of these 2 is more open to university choices?

Anyways, i am also interested in psychology but i wont be able to take it in university because of history :frown: Well in my opinion, Economics is important overall i dont really think i should drop it.

Well, If i were to change SL history to psychology or some other subject, would that put me at a disadvantage when i pursue my LAW course in university? Since im not even doing HL english.

I see many people doing both HL english and HL history to pursue Law, should i atleast do HL history? I could, but that would mean dropping chinese HL to SL, which is my mother tongue. And History itself i dont believe is open to many university courses and careers.

So, all in all, To pursue LAW, is history essential and is SL history enough? would it make a big difference if i had HL history/english instead? If i didnt want to do LAW later on, what other courses can i do? (that are not sciency, i like creativity stuff but i didnt choose ART SL)

I pursuing law at uni.
I took:
HL English
HL Psychology
HL Art
SL Math
SL Physics
SL Spanish
Reply 9
A few of my friends did law, one went to Abderdeen and he said that the only requirements he had was a good english and history grade (and the two being HL subjects). But I think History is more looked at than English as a requirement for law. If I were you, I'd drop chem to an SL and do History as an HL... that way, if you change your mind you have a wide range of other courses that you can pursue.
Reply 10
English and History = most important.

I took English A1 HL and History HL, along with Business & Management HL. Left Math Studies, Chinese B, and ESS as SL.
Reply 11
I have applied for Law and gotten a few offers from the UK and Hong Kong for this years intake. I don't think there is a preferred combination of subjects just a combination that would show a positive overall academic performance. My subjects were:
SL: Psychology, Math, Spanish;
HL: English A1, Economics and Biology

If you have any questions PM me or quote this message.
Reply 12
I finished IB a year ago. I don't think any particular combination would be best for GETTING into law school, but from my personal experience, the skills i got from History HL were quite useful for law.
Original post by Blazara
Law loves Chemists. Look at the number of people who go from Chemistry into Law conversion courses.

This. Couldn't emphasise this much more.
Reply 14
My subjects are:
English HL
Math HL
Economics HL

Psychology SL
Hindi SL

Can I apply for law courses with these subjects?
I am studying Law at University in September.

My IB subjects are

English HL
History HL
Psychology HL

Maths Studies SL
French SL
Biology SL

What you really need is to go for History and English at HL and the rest don't really matter.

I'd say Psychology or Philosophy are good to have but aren't essential.

Former IB student and future Law undergrad. :smile:
I am studying Law at University in September.

My IB subjects are

English HL
History HL
Psychology HL

Maths Studies SL
French SL
Biology SL

What you really need is to go for History and English at HL and the rest don't really matter.

I'd say Psychology or Philosophy are good to have but aren't essential.

Former IB student and future Law undergrad. :smile:
Reply 17
Original post by sophie kwon chu
Which universities offered you an offer (LOL)? And which did you go to? If you don't mind my asking

Hahaha, wow. I made that post almost 4 years ago. :tongue: I was offered places at sussex, UEA, reading and kent. In the end I didn't attend any of them; I decided to switch to physics instead.
What about studying law with these subjects? Mine are meant for the medical studies ;.)

HL, Chem, Bio, Eng A, Danish A HL
SL: Math, History
Reply 19
Original post by YazzySmalls
What about studying law with these subjects? Mine are meant for the medical studies ;.)

HL, Chem, Bio, Eng A, Danish A HL
SL: Math, History

They're absolutely fine! There are no subject requirements but essay based subjects at higher level are recommended and you've got two essay based higher levels (English/Danish) plus an essay based standard level (history), so don't worry!