The Student Room Group

What's wrong with me?

I'm having a couple of niggling problems at the moment that I'm not too sure what to do about. I'm 20 years old and have never, ever, ever had spots in my life, even as a teenager, but for the last 3 months I constantly have clusters of (big, angry) spots on my face, especially on my forehead and chin. I've always cleansed and toned my skin daily and nothing has changed in my regime. I've tried various products but they have absolutely no impact on my spots. At the same time, my nails have gone from long and strong to so brittle that they constantly break and crumble at anything. Again, I've never had this before, and again, no new products seem to make a difference.

They're only small problems but it's irritating me that they're persisting for so long. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be the case or remedy? My mum suggested the Pill could cause the spots, but as I've been on it for 3.5 years without any problems it seems unlikely. Any thoughts? It's starting to get me down :frown:

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Reply 1
Has there been a change in your diet? Definitely take multi-vitamins to try to sort out the nails. It's true that the pill can cause spots, but oestrogen is meant to give you strong nails I think.. it's more likely to be stress. The more you worry about the spots, the worse they'll get unfortunately! Try going to your doc, she might be able to give you better advice.

Has there been a change in your diet? Definitely take multi-vitamins to try to sort out the nails. It's true that the pill can cause spots, but oestrogen is meant to give you strong nails I think.. it's more likely to be stress. The more you worry about the spots, the worse they'll get unfortunately! Try going to your doc, she might be able to give you better advice.


who the hell goes to the doctor when they get some spots? if that were the case then i'd practically be living at my GP's surgery! they have much better things to do with their time!

anyhows, to the OP, drink milk for your nails, eat fruit and veg, they'll go at some point. that's about it, so don't worry. :smile:
Reply 3
doctors are generally very happy to help out with severe cases of acne - especially in the late teens when it's more of a problem
yes, but this isn't acne - they're just spots from the sounds of it. you can get drugs to help you deal with your acne, but for spots there's nothing much you can do apart from wash well and regularly, exfoliate to get the dead skin off your face, and don't eat many greasy foods as they'll spoil your complexion - c'est tout.
Arn't acne and spots the same thing. Acne is just a medical term.
Reply 6
Arn't acne and spots the same thing. Acne is just a medical term.

No - acne is a medical condition, spots are a blockage of the pores. :wink:

anyhows, to the OP, drink milk for your nails, eat fruit and veg, they'll go at some point. that's about it, so don't worry. :smile:

The annoying thing is I've been doing all these things (healthy diet, lots of water, etc etc) and it doesn't make a bit of difference. It's so uncharacteristic for me which is why it's bugging me :frown:
No - acne is a medical condition, spots are a blockage of the pores. :wink:

Reply 9

anyhows, to the OP, drink milk for your nails, eat fruit and veg, they'll go at some point. that's about it, so don't worry. :smile:

They annoying thing is I've been doing all these things (healthy diet, lots of water, cleansing, etc etc) and it doesn't make a bit of difference. It's so uncharacteristic for me which is why it's bugging me :frown:
They annoying thing is I've been doing all these things (healthy diet, lots of water, cleansing, etc etc) and it doesn't make a bit of difference. It's so uncharacteristic for me which is why it's bugging me :frown:

My skin is always the second thing to go if Im stressed (the first being my weight :rolleyes: )

Are you under any stress?? Dont over-cleanse or you'll irritate your skin and make it worse - try something gentle and healing like tea tree oil maybe??
They annoying thing is I've been doing all these things (healthy diet, lots of water, cleansing, etc etc) and it doesn't make a bit of difference. It's so uncharacteristic for me which is why it's bugging me :frown:

well, there's nothing else you can do really. do you exfoliate? that could help to ensure your pores aren't blocked and so bacteria doesn't build up that causes spots. just give it a couple of months and see how you look then.
Reply 12
Do you moisturise your skin? I sometimes get spots in the cold weather if my skin dries up too much...don't actually know why...
Reply 13
My skin is always the second thing to go if Im stressed (the first being my weight :rolleyes: )

Are you under any stress?? Dont over-cleanse or you'll irritate your skin and make it worse - try something gentle and healing like tea tree oil maybe??

I have been under a lot of stress at uni - but 3 months just seems a long time for a stress-related breakout? I don't ever get spots when I'm under stress usually so it's odd. Thanks for the tips, I have given tea tree oil a go but unfortunately no result :frown:
stop worrying about it! that may be what's causing your spots.
Reply 15
id go to the doctor anyway, you could be genrally run down at the moment as well.
if u tell ur doctor that your spots are affecting your confidence then they are likely to prescribe some antibiotic cream or medication
id go to the doctor anyway, you could be genrally run down at the moment as well.
if u tell ur doctor that your spots are affecting your confidence then they are likely to prescribe some antibiotic cream or medication

they're only spots - they're nothing serious! it's a complete waste of a doctors time when people come in for stuff that is not serious/medical related.
Reply 17
they're only spots - they're nothing serious! it's a complete waste of a doctors time when people come in for stuff that is not serious/medical related.

It's probably hormonal, she's on the's worth a visit if it's getting her down. And yeah actually, that is medical related.

Reply 18
The fact that both your nails and your skin have changed at the same time suggests that something has changed within your physiology. We can't tell you what it is, as we aren't professionals.

If doctors aren't there to tell you what has gone wrong with your body, I don't know what they are there for. You have every right to go to your doctor and ask for his/her thoughts on the matter.
It's probably hormonal, she's on the's worth a visit if it's getting her down. And yeah actually, that is medical related.


but the thing i don't understand is how the pill would be affecting her now (ie. causing spots) if it hasn't done so for the past 3.5 years?