Think I might be of some help to you. I'm in my 2nd yr at Glasgow vet school and stayed in Wolfson catered Halls last year.
At Wolfson, they feed you breakfast and dinner. (Breakfast between 7:30 and 9am ; dinner between 5:30 and 7pm). At weekends they do "brunch" and dinner instead. (Brunch is from 11:30 - 1pm, to reflect the fact that most students don't surface till late at weekends...!). The food is average. It's edible but it's gets vvvvvvvvvvvvv samey.
Wolfson is where a huge number of 1st year vets stay and so you meet tons of people on your course very quickly. That was the best bit about staying there. It's about a 10 min walk to the vet school, but everyone walks together which is nice and it's a lovely walk (the one thing I miss about living there). However you are a little cut off, so you don't tend to meet very many people from other courses. But this can be solved by going out loads! Glasgow is full of great places to go out, someone has already described some places for you. And it's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cheap.
2 years ago I was lucky enough to get offers from both Edinburgh and Glasgow vet schools - they were both my top choices. However Glasgow easily won me over, the people at my interview were so friendly and relaxed, whereas at Edin they were much more focused on getting as much out of me as possible regarding my vet related knowledge. I just prefered that Glasgow seemed more interested in getting to know me as a person.
There is quite a unique aspect of Glasgow vet school - at all the others you spend the 1st 2/3 years in the city centres and attend lectures at the main veterinary medicine department buildings and get bused out to the main vet school (which is miles out from the city) when you are required to go there (increases with each year usually). At Glasgow - the vet school is MUCH, MUCH closer to the city centre, but still in a lovely beautiful setting. There is no main veterinary medicine department buildings at the main uni, instead in the 1st 2 years you have lectures in the main uni but spend MOST of your time up at the vet school (lectures, farm visits, dissections all happen here instead). Because of it's location, it is possible to do this. The wonderful thing about this, is that you get intergrated into the vet school life from day one, you mix with other years frequently and the vet school doesn't seem so "foreign". This may seem like an odd point to have made, but it played a huge part in my decision to come here over any of the other vet schools.
Edinburgh is a beautiful city, it's much prettier than Glasgow. It would be handy for someone from Edinburgh vet school could give their view point for you. One isn't better than the other, it's just everyone has their own different preferences.
Hope I have helped!