The Student Room Group

Life (-,-)

Anyone else feeling like this?
Basically it feels like everybody else has sorted out what they want to do in life, and just need to follow the path they've set out for themselves.
When I was younger, I used to want to be a musician, a novellist, something creative and inspiring to my life. My parents always discouraged me from wanting a career which didn't have "good pay", and were always saying "Do something that will earn you a living", and laughed whenever I said I wanted to study music.
I guess I felt like they knew best and that they were going to support me during uni, so it was pointless to argue with them about what I wanted to study.
Now, doing my A levels, I have picked completely random subjects, which aren't aimed at any specific degree. I don't really know what my options are anymore...
The degree options available to me now (that I know I'll enjoy) probably won't earn me a "decent living", and I just sometimes think, "if only I'd chosen Music A level..." but I guess it's too late to be thinking about that now.

Anyway, just thought if anyone else wants to have a rant about their life, please do.

Thanks for listening.
I know what you mean about A-level choices. Mine were so random I could barely do any of the courses I had been thinking about, for example none of the sciences (as it seems you need maths for all of them). And like you said there is constant hounding for a degree which you can get a job from, which I've now ended up on, yet I feel like I could be doing something much more creative. I mean, virtually everything I do in life has something to do with music and art, and yet here I am doing an engineering degree which is currently entirely maths and physics.
I have no idea where I'm going after this. I don't know if I'll even be able to keep up with my degree...

But that's part of the fun isn't it?

Reply 2
I'm in the second year of my degree and am only just starting to have ideas about what kind of career I'd like! I wouldn't worry about it too much, after all (just to depress you even further) with the way the job market's going few people except those with vocational qualifications end up in the same career for life. For now just concentrate on building up your skills and looking into different work experience opportunities and go with the flow :smile:
Reply 3
No matter what degree you do the chances are you will get a high paid job:smile: Dont worry.
Reply 4
No matter what degree you do the chances are you will get a high paid job:smile: Dont worry.

hhhmmmmn not sure how you worked that out? bit fairytale (but a nice thought all the same)

To OP i know exactly how you feel. im a first year English degree student. and i only took it as a halfway between sensible vocational degrees and a degree in fine art (which is what i wish i was doing). The thing with things like that and music tho (in your case) is that they are things which you dont have to study a degree to improve in. if youve got the enthusiasm and talent you can work on it any way. and always have it as a hobby. so you have somethiing good that you love whatever job you get.

Oh and btw i have absolutely no clue whatsoever what i want to do. probably anything i can get my hands on once iv got my degree
Reply 5
aww hun

What about doing an AS level next year... you could do music. Or why not just take up learning to play an instrument in your free time to keep teh creativity flowing. I regretted giving up the flute, but to be honest i was crap at it anyway so meh.

anyway... the subjects youve done could lead to ANY degree, and the main thing is that you enjoy them (i hope you do).

Remember that money is NOT the be all and end all and your career should follow your heart!
Reply 6
aww hun

What about doing an AS level next year... you could do music. Or why not just take up learning to play an instrument in your free time to keep teh creativity flowing. I regretted giving up the flute, but to be honest i was crap at it anyway so meh.

She does two :p:
Reply 7
Icy Ghost
Anyone else feeling like this?
Basically it feels like everybody else has sorted out what they want to do in life, and just need to follow the path they've set out for themselves.
When I was younger, I used to want to be a musician, a novellist, something creative and inspiring to my life. My parents always discouraged me from wanting a career which didn't have "good pay", and were always saying "Do something that will earn you a living", and laughed whenever I said I wanted to study music.
I guess I felt like they knew best and that they were going to support me during uni, so it was pointless to argue with them about what I wanted to study.
Now, doing my A levels, I have picked completely random subjects, which aren't aimed at any specific degree. I don't really know what my options are anymore...
The degree options available to me now (that I know I'll enjoy) probably won't earn me a "decent living", and I just sometimes think, "if only I'd chosen Music A level..." but I guess it's too late to be thinking about that now.

Anyway, just thought if anyone else wants to have a rant about their life, please do.

Thanks for listening.

I did exactly the same thing. I let my parents push me along the path they wanted me to take, and it was disastrous because I didn't really want what they wanted me to want (if you follow!).
Now, 10 years down the line I am finally going in the direction I want to, but don't know whether it is too late for me. After all, I still want to have a family etc, and might not get the chance to go back to uni.
My advice is, if you think you want to do something other than what you're currently doing - go for it!
Speaking from personal experience, you'll regret it if you don't.
Reply 8
What degrees are you interested in?