Anyone else feeling like this?
Basically it feels like everybody else has sorted out what they want to do in life, and just need to follow the path they've set out for themselves.
When I was younger, I used to want to be a musician, a novellist, something creative and inspiring to my life. My parents always discouraged me from wanting a career which didn't have "good pay", and were always saying "Do something that will earn you a living", and laughed whenever I said I wanted to study music.
I guess I felt like they knew best and that they were going to support me during uni, so it was pointless to argue with them about what I wanted to study.
Now, doing my A levels, I have picked completely random subjects, which aren't aimed at any specific degree. I don't really know what my options are anymore...
The degree options available to me now (that I know I'll enjoy) probably won't earn me a "decent living", and I just sometimes think, "if only I'd chosen Music A level..." but I guess it's too late to be thinking about that now.
Anyway, just thought if anyone else wants to have a rant about their life, please do.
Thanks for listening.