Any advice much appreciated!!!!! (sorry its so long, but bit of a dilemna here)
Basically, I am on my gap year and am in process of re-applying: at the moment, i could potentially be at Manchester, Bristol, Sheffield, Edinburgh or Oxford (ok, maybe not this one!) next year studying Russian.
Am in a long-distance relationship (they are awful, i dont understand how people can see the romantic side at all lol) with my boyfriend who is in Sheffield studying philo and pol.
Basically he is willing to transfer to a different uni next year to be with me (straight into 2nd or even re-doing the 1st year, he doesnt mind): it might sound selfish, but i dont want to go to sheffield (basically i am being snotty about it, and think i could do better - as pretentious as that sounds i know but theres the truth) , and anyway he wont let me go to sheffield just for him (as he knows i want to go somewhere else).
He doesnt mind transferring: v laid-back about it all, and isnt at all attached to sheffield. Hope i dont sound very selfish writing this (believe me i have told him i wont let him do it unless he is fully sure of himself etc...); but i want to know what anybody's feelings r about this: do u think its a good idea etc... do u know of anyone who has done this before? do you know how easy it is to transfer?
His grades at a level were AACC plus distinction in AEA french (we both speak french fluently), and he wants to get into any uni i may go to/or near there. So thats: all the London unis (in case i get into Ox), Bristol, Edin, Bath.
Do you think he stands a chance?
Ox Brookes and UNi of West of England: r they any good for pol and philo?
Thank you!!!!!! and curse the LDR