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mature enough to cope with it all
I'm thinking the same age as you Hayley. I want to go through University first, get into a job, and then try for a baby once I'm in my job!
Reply 3
Over 30. At least for me. If I want a baby at all that is. It depends on the person though. So year, well over 30 for me.
Reply 4
30 at least

Get a decent job, a nice home, a wife and im all set :biggrin:
Reply 5
At some point after I'm married for a year or so.
Reply 6
Reply 7
25 ideally but that will be the year that i qualify so me thinks not :rolleyes:. I'd also like some with my partner for a few years before the children come along.
Never :p: but I think a good age is about 28...maybe I'll reconsider when I get to that age...
When I am ready. If thats within a year or in the next 20 years so be it.
Reply 10
Over 30, twenties are WAAY too much fun withouit having babies. Plus have to get married first - any eligible men out there?
Reply 11
Probably about 25-28.
Reply 12
Deffinatly over 30 or 35 I mean whats the point going to university then graduating then having a baby straight away your have to come out of work which will sux! Also when you want to have fun and stuf a babys not fun 24/7 lol! Alot of my friends want babys in there 20s its jus not for me tbh
Why do people want babies? They're just annoying and expensive (and they smell)

Reply 14
After I'm 25 or so, ideally a couple of years after I'm married and had time to save a little money, and got a good place of my own. That's only 6 years away...I've got a lot of work to do! :p:
Reply 15
Over 28. Actually whenever really. Lets find someone to have said baby with first...
Reply 16
I think having children young (20-25) is probably better.
-You are young and strong enough to bear the strain
-You have enough stamina to do more things than one, i.e. study or work + children
-You will still be fairly young once your kids are gone from home (life doesn't stop at 40!) so you can have fun afterwards as well
-Your children will hopefully have you a long time before you die
-You might even get to see some grandchildren

I would not recommend having children just for the sake of it though. A stable relationship, at least one person earning money and a real wish for children should be there.
I often find that older mothers(>35) especially tend to be over protective.
23 - 30 i think i dnt want to be an old age pensioner wen im a mum lol
Reply 18
i think late twenties when you have a stable relationship marriage etc and also you have stable job that will allow you have the time off to havea kid
Why do people want babies? They're just annoying and expensive (and they smell)


Because if you coach them well enough then they can earn enough money to put you in a decent retirement home - the thought of spending my last days in a state-run retirement home is awful! Shady Pines all the way!