The Student Room Group
I think it's because it's illegal for a guy to have sex with a girl under 16, not for the ac tual girl to have sex, as it's basically a rape law. The girl has to press charges for it to become arrestable
Reply 2
You dont think that ruining their whole life is punishment enough?
Reply 3
I think its one of those laws thats sort of more of a guidline... to quote Captain Jack Sparrow.
Yeah, I thought about the rape law, but it says in all my ickle sister's magazines (eg bliss) that sex under 16 is illegal for anyone. Hmm. :confused:
Hmm... I don't know then, maybe it's worded to make it illegal for both to have sex, but I was always pretty sure that the specifics fall down to it's illegal for a guy to have sex with a girl under 16. Maybe it actually says both but the only punishable bit relates to the rape issue?
Reply 5
The law changed recently.
Yeah. Now they just get repeatedly beaten with a slipper in the face.
Reply 7
It is illegal for someone over 16 to have sex with someone under 16 (of either sex- older woman with boy as much as man with girl)...the person who is over 16 would be charged if it was reported, and the minor would be seen as the 'victim'- you're not seen as being able to give legal consent to sex under 16. I'm not sure where the law stands on a couple both under 16 having sex...I mean it is illegal, but im not sure who's seen to be at fault.
Reply 8
I thought it was:

A girl of under 16 years of age is not mature or responsible enough to make a knowledgeable decision and consent to sex. Therefore, a guy who slept with a girl under 16 would have done so without (informed) consent, so must have raped her, so it's illegal.
Reply 9
It's not just under-16 girls. Women have been sent to jail for having sex with boys of 15 (was on Richard and Judy last week!!). I don't think there's any distinction between the sexes, if you're under 16, you can't legally consent to intercourse.
Reply 10
It's not just under-16 girls. Women have been sent to jail for having sex with boys of 15 (was on Richard and Judy last week!!). I don't think there's any distinction between the sexes, if you're under 16, you can't legally consent to intercourse.

LoL, imagine being arrested for saying "yes"
Reply 11
i think beucauase arresting them is slightly harsh

it doesn;t matter if you break that law!!
its not like murder is it
If you're both under 16 then they don't really do anything...(Or at least I think that's the case)
Reply 13
LoL, imagine being arrested for saying "yes"

:redface: Lol, woops. I meant any consent you give won't be recognised as consent in the eyes of the someone who has sex with an under-16 can't say in their defense that the minor consented to it, even if they did say yes!
Reply 14
i think beucauase arresting them is slightly harsh

it doesn;t matter if you break that law!!
its not like murder is it

It doesn't matter if you break that law? What's the point of the law then? Laws are there to discourage you from doing things that are generally thought of as bad. If there's no punishment for breaking the law, then the law becomes useless.
No it isn't like murder. Rape is not like murder at all really.
Firebird illegal, right?

So why don't kids who get pregnant get arrested? They've broken the law, haven't they?

Or am I missing something here?

Over here in Northern Ireland you have to be 17 to have sex legally........yeah I ponder the same point as you sometimes....xoxo
Reply 16
I thought only girls had a minimum age of 16 and boys there was no law about min. age?!
I thought only girls had a minimum age of 16 and boys there was no law about min. age?!

no both genders have to abide by the age of consent - however a boy if under 16/17 has sex with a girl under 16/17 the male is breaking the law and can be charged if such matters arose xoxo
Reply 18
however a boy if under 16/17 has sex with a girl under 16/17 the male is breaking the law and can be charged if such matters arose xoxo

I'm pretty sure that's not true, the minor is the victim irrespective of their gender.
The law sees it as sexual assault - it’s a criminal offence. The details are:

•Even if she agrees, a boy who has sex with a girl under 16 (17 in NI) is breaking the law.

•If the girl is 13-15, the boy could go to prison for two years.

•If she’s under 13 he could be sentenced to life imprisonment.

•A girl age 16 or over who has sex with a boy under 16 can be prosecuted for indecent assault.

•However, if you're a consenting couple and around the same age as each other, it's unlikely you'd be prosecuted (although if one of you is under 13 this might not be the case).

**sorry it didn't seem clear especially the first two bullet points so sorry if I was wrong in my previous posts** xoxo