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Computing For Business VS Computer Science (NEED HELP)

Which course do you think we be best in terms of job prospects, potential salary, Career options and just in general. I have currently applied for a degree in Computing for Business but considering changing to Computer Science.

Computing For business Course Content:

Year 1
Principles of Financial Accounting
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour
Quantitative Techniques
Business Decision Analysis
Economic Environment of Business
Java Programming Foundations (CB)
Information Systems and Databases
Communication and Information Skills for Computing Professionals
Introduction to Computer Systems
Internet Computing
Year 2
Management Accounting
Business Policy
Group Project (CB)
Software Lifecycle and Design
Professional Aspects of Computing
Human-Computer Interaction
Java Program Construction
Internet Applications and Techniques
Project Management
Year 3 - Optional placement year
Professional Placement

Final Year
Entrepreneurial Strategy
Individual Project
Software Project Management
Enterprise Computing Strategies
Optional modules:

Effective Teamwork
Market Research
Marketing Psychology
Knowledge at Work
Value-Based Strategy
Natural Language Processing and Applications
Information Security
Interaction Design
Data Mining

Computer Science Course Content:

Year 1
Information Systems and Databases
Communication and Information Skills for Computing Professionals
Introduction to Computer Systems
Java Programming Foundations (CS)
Problem Solving
Internet Computing
Mathematics for Computing Professionals
Java Program Development
Computer Systems Organisation
Year 2
Group Project (CS)
Software Engineering
Computer Graphics
Professional Aspects of Computing
Data Structures and Algorithms with Java
Software for Artifical Intelligence
Programming Language Concepts
Operating Systems
Human-Computer Interaction
Internet Applications and Techniques
Year 3 - Optional placement year
Professional Placement

Final Year
Individual Project
Software Project Management
Testing and Reliable Software Engineering
Optional modules:
Information Security
Image and Video Processing
Interaction Design
Enterprise Computing Strategies
Computer Animation
Natural Language Processing and Applications
Programming Language Implementation
Distributed Systems
Multimedia Information Retrieval
Multi Agent Systems
Data Mining
Game Development

Thanks in Advance :smile:!

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Reply 1
Reply 2
Reply 3
What do you want to do after uni? Also if you're ok saying what uni you applied to?
Reply 4
Yeah are they both at the same Uni (if so which one) if they're not that will effect the employability of the course.
Reply 5
Original post by rugbygreg
Yeah are they both at the same Uni (if so which one) if they're not that will effect the employability of the course.

both at the same uni ''Aston''
Reply 6
Original post by Stefanb
What do you want to do after uni? Also if you're ok saying what uni you applied to?

both at the same uni ''Aston''
Reply 7
Do you have any idea what you want to do in IT? If you really wanna go down the techy job route, software development etc, then CS is always gonna be your best shout.
Reply 8
Original post by Stefanb
Do you have any idea what you want to do in IT? If you really wanna go down the techy job route, software development etc, then CS is always gonna be your best shout.

I have some sort of idea. I like programming but dont just want to do it for a full time job. I like the idea of data warehousing and jobs such as data analyst and system analyst.
Reply 9
Reply 10
CS is the way to go for systems analyst tbh. Best course for techy computing jobs
Reply 11
Original post by Stefanb
CS is the way to go for systems analyst tbh. Best course for techy computing jobs

do you think cs would be best even if i didnt want to be just a computer technician and programmer. I enjoy programming but dont want to do it for a full time job.
Reply 12
What degree would you prefer? Both are similar degree with CS being more programming etc. Out of the 2 what do you honestly prefer?
Reply 13
Original post by Stefanb
What degree would you prefer? Both are similar degree with CS being more programming etc. Out of the 2 what do you honestly prefer?

i originally applied for computing for business, i think i would be happy to do either i was just wondering if i would enjoy cs more?
Reply 14
I can't tell you what you'll enjoy more, that's for you to see the modules and see what you feel looks more interesting.
Reply 15
Original post by xxMxx
both at the same uni ''Aston''

I'll hopefully be at Aston in October studying Computer Science :biggrin:
Reply 16
Reply 17
When I applied for manchester (which is a fairly good uni for computer science I've heard), they declined my offer but gave me a definite placement on 'computing for business applications' course, should I choose to do it...

this implies to me that it is just a worse version of computer science, a course for the rejects :smile:

I decided to just go with lancaster university computer science course instead
Reply 18
I am a first year from Surrey. I chose my uni because of the outstanding grad prospects.

I can tell you that both degrees will certainly have almost IDENTICAL prospects. If you are litterally in love with Math, then choose CS. But if not then choose CSB

personally i was offered CS at Sussex and KCL. But surrey said their course was more mathematical and such I was offered CIT (same as CSB). I chose surrey because of the department. It is one of the very best.
Reply 19

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