The Student Room Group

Sex drive

I don't know if this is "the drive" or something else, but recently the feelings of horniness have been less frequent for the last week or two. I don't mean a small difference, I mean a noticeable difference. What I wanted to know was if this is normal (as in, does it happen to everyone) or is this being caused by something specific and could be somewhat bad.
Reply 1
could be the change
Reply 2
Have you gone on the pill? (Yes I know you're male, but some idiot will say it eventually anyway)
Reply 3
The pill, no. I haven't changed my routine at all. I was hoping someone could point out a cause. It could be stress but I seriously doubt it.
Reply 4
Has anything in your life changed recently e.g. started uni/changed job etc.? Even if you don't feel stressed as such, your body may be finding other ways of manifesting it (like in this case, making you lose your sex drive).
Reply 5
Maybe you're just maturing and the testosterone is calming down?
Reply 6
Maybe you're just maturing and the testosterone is calming down?

It coud be anything but I really hope it's that.
I know I'm younger than you but I notice that there are times, usually for at least a week at a time, where I feel really un-horny - I usually eat more. I think its *my cycle*, scientists will realise that guys have one too soon enough :biggrin:
Reply 8
I heard recently that guys *do* have hormonal cycles......dunno where I heard it...
Reply 9
Maybe you're just maturing and the testosterone is calming down?

Ahahaha thats a good joke poica really is lol :wink:
Reply 10
Your body could just be tired.
Reply 11
Your body could just be tired.

Tired ?? How ??
my drive is so high can't help myself, have 2 have a play nearly every hour.
Reply 13
it could be lack of sleep or not getting the right vitamins in your body or yes it could be stress or if you are worried about something that could be it hope you get it sorted out good luck hope i help you
even ive had my off weeks. no need to panic yet.