The Student Room Group

Complication ie.his best friend.

Ok, so i've been with my boyfriend for about a months now, but we were on/off before that for around 2 months, and before that we went out for around 3 months. The reason we kind of broke up was because I thought I might still have feelings for my previous boyfriend, and I felt I couldnt cope with the two things at once. However its sorted now, im good friends with my ex, and we both know nothing will happen - its just not right anymore, and my boyfriend understandably isnt necessarily happy with me being around my ex, but he knows that we're just friends.
However, I recently found out that at a party, my boyfriends best friend advised him that he shouldnt go out with me, because of my relations with my ex - according to my bf friend we're always flirting and it seems as if we're still going out. I feel this is completely out of order as I always make sure that I wouldnt hurt my boyfriend. And too be honest for the first time in a long while im happy wih my boyfriend, and it just feels like this guy is trying to take that away from I wrong in that?
Also, I thought my boyfriend's friend was my friend, and in the past when people have put him down, I have always stuck up for him. I guess I feel betrayed in a way. But I now also feel that maybe im not good enough for my boyfriend, even though he has assured me that he loves me and wants to be with me, no matter what his friend thinks.

Im so confused :confused: help!
Reply 1
ya boyf's friend is only looking out for him.........and you did mess him round in the begining cos a ya ex......cant blame him really.
Reply 2
How did I mess him around?
Reply 3
re-read ya first post. You were on an off cos you was unsure bout ya now know you and ya ex are only friends but ya boyf of boyfs mate dont know it like you do- do they.
Dont take relationship advice off me...............i been single for 11months