The Student Room Group

drunken binging

ok so im a student. i drink alot. i probably get drunk about 3/4 times a week. however my problem at mo is not with the booze calories. its the amount of food i eat when im drunk. i dont know y bt once the booze goes in my body seems to think its ok to go for the food. for instance just got back from a night out and had. a piece of toast (the norm for nite out) but also kitkat chunky, chocolate cake, kinder maxi, happy hippo, pack of rolo's and some roses. i feel very sick now. dont know y i keep doing this (we'r now looking at the 5th night in a row). any1 got any advice how to control myself when 'under the influence' or how to make up for recent bad behaviour. ?

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ok so im a student. i drink alot. i probably get drunk about 3/4 times a week. however my problem at mo is not with the booze calories. its the amount of food i eat when im drunk. i dont know y bt once the booze goes in my body seems to think its ok to go for the food. for instance just got back from a night out and had. a piece of toast (the norm for nite out) but also kitkat chunky, chocolate cake, kinder maxi, happy hippo, pack of rolo's and some roses. i feel very sick now. dont know y i keep doing this (we'r now looking at the 5th night in a row). any1 got any advice how to control myself when 'under the influence' or how to make up for recent bad behaviour. ?

I never get hungry when i'm drunk. As for making up for your recent 'bad behaviour', exercise seems like the obvious solution - maybe some jogging, or playing a bit of tennis or any sport that you're interested in/want to get better at. :smile:
Reply 2
Good wonder you feel sick!

You say your problem isn't booze but the food you eat when drunk.

Sorry but I'm going to disagree here. Your problem of stuffing yourself is because you are drunk. Therefore your 'food problem' is caused by the booze. The booze is actually the source of the problems whether you like it or not. Binge drinking really isn't healthy, good for you or conducive to a happy lifestyle. It will make you put on weight. It will make you sluggish & lethargic the next day and thus less likely to exercise and burn off all the crap in your body.

My miracle cure..drink less booze, eat less and get more exercise. There is no great mystery to this. Exercise produces endorphins which make you feel happier, they are the body's natural 'high'. I perfectly understand that when you are hungover you don't want to go and exercise..but that is touuugh luck!

Well think of it this way you have had your great night out, lots of drinking and fun has been had. Your pleasure is directly causing your body some serious pain, both through calories and the dehydrating effect of over drinking. So in return you are going to give your body some pleasure by exercising, drinking lots of water and flushing the toxins out of your system, to do this you will have to go through some 'pain' as it were..getting up with your hangover and dragging it on a nice long walk when you want to lay in bed. This way the balance is re-set and as a reward for your hard work you get nice endorphins that make you feel so much better than you would have done just laying around all day.

At the end of the day eating junk food and drinking a lot is putting toxic crap into your body. The sooner it's got rid of the better you will be feeling.

Oh and drink as much water as you can force down your throat as soon as you get home off your drinking session. This will prevent you getting so dehydrated whilst you sleep and will makes your hangover much more bearable.
Reply 3
Simple answer - don't get drunk.
Or lock up the junk food.
I agree with everything rosetinted is saying
Reply 4
5 times a week? thats really sad
Reply 5
Im quite good when i drink, as i dont pig out unless i didnt eat dinner beforehand. :biggrin:

You could try not taking out a lot of money, that way you wont have any left to spend at the kebab shop or whatev. Maybe invite loads of people back? i always forget about my hunger if theres tons of people back.
Hide your junk food! - or just dont buy it, and drink water when you come back instead :smile:

And dont worry, i binge drink too. Though not as much as you - i dont have enough money! :frown: And im detoxing over xmas!! :wink:
or eat enough before you drink
If you like bananas, eat loads of them instead. Not only will it hopefully fill you up, but also restock your body with potassium which the alcohol has just removed.

Other good things are eats and fruit juice.
Reply 8
firstly, id like to point out that 4 pints is a binge for a man. what a joke!

secondly, i also have this problem! almost always going to the union shop for crisps and happy hippos throughout the night, then eating something else at home.

the banana idea seems good, althought i hate them.
Reply 9
Drink as many pints of water as you can til you feel sick that should fill you up and stop you having a hang over the next day. Having said that im a victim of the dreadfull munchies after drinking lol. Basically, when a person drinks the body responds to the increased glucose in the system by producing more insulin which will remove the glucose, this process carries on working after you have stopped drinking and makes you feel tired because you have hardly any glucose left, which in turn makes your body crave a carbs boost, so eating bread would be a good thing.
its the ethanol too, with its 7kcal/gram. I think beer has a GI of about 110 and causes an ever larger insulin spike than glucose alone.
Reply 11
Hmm. My friends always go for pizza/kebabs on the way home. I do *sometimes* but I try not to eat at that time of day (usally about 2/3am).
Reply 12
I get fairly drunk quite frequently but I find I do it alone and locked up in my room so I'm no danger to myself for others. Instead I post random messages on here.
Reply 13
if you get that bad on drink, i wouldnt take up smoking weed
Reply 14
if youre gonna stuff yourself do it right, you want a kebab.
just dont make chocolate and all that crap available to you! Don't buy it.. when you go shopping, go on a full stomach so you dont get loads of **** snack foods.

Also, id get drunk less than 3/4 times a week simply because of the cost of it, and the effect on studies.. I know a few people who havent quite struck a balance so to speak..
Reply 15
I get fairly drunk quite frequently but I find I do it alone and locked up in my room so I'm no danger to myself for others. Instead I post random messages on here.

thats cos you are really cool.
Reply 16
El Zofran
if you get that bad on drink, i wouldnt take up smoking weed

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: WTF :confused:
Reply 17
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: WTF :confused:

he didnt know sage was a word.

weed has obviously addled his brain.
ignore him
Reply 18
i agree with a combination of the replies.basically most people feel hungry when they have been on a night out binge drinkin. If you can avoid the initial temptation of the take-away by not having any money then you should be okay. from there you should be okay, basically because if you have been binge drinking properly (joke) then you shoudl be ready for bed after your snack. This is where you take elipsis' advice and down as many pints of water as quick as you can, normally 4 pints in 5-10 minutes is gud for making you feel incredibly full and a bit sick. However, now you will be more than ready for crashing out on your bed and also because of the water you will not feel as bad in the morning...result, so your ready to go out the next night.

Happy days!
Reply 19
he didnt know sage was a word.

weed has obviously addled his brain.
ignore him

i resent that, i did know sage was a word, i just thought you mean safe, my brain isnt addled by weed at all, well...

anyway, i was refering to the sympton of the munchies, commonly associated with the partaking of the inhalation of THC vapours (smoking weed).

what i was trying to say was that if he gets the munchies that badly when he is drunk, given that drinking isnt associated with the munchies as much as weed, then he would probably eat a horse and its baby if he was to get stoned.

it was a light hearted comment which probably looks a bit stupid now ive explained it so thouroughly.