Good wonder you feel sick!
You say your problem isn't booze but the food you eat when drunk.
Sorry but I'm going to disagree here. Your problem of stuffing yourself is because you are drunk. Therefore your 'food problem' is caused by the booze. The booze is actually the source of the problems whether you like it or not. Binge drinking really isn't healthy, good for you or conducive to a happy lifestyle. It will make you put on weight. It will make you sluggish & lethargic the next day and thus less likely to exercise and burn off all the crap in your body.
My miracle cure..drink less booze, eat less and get more exercise. There is no great mystery to this. Exercise produces endorphins which make you feel happier, they are the body's natural 'high'. I perfectly understand that when you are hungover you don't want to go and exercise..but that is touuugh luck!
Well think of it this way you have had your great night out, lots of drinking and fun has been had. Your pleasure is directly causing your body some serious pain, both through calories and the dehydrating effect of over drinking. So in return you are going to give your body some pleasure by exercising, drinking lots of water and flushing the toxins out of your system, to do this you will have to go through some 'pain' as it were..getting up with your hangover and dragging it on a nice long walk when you want to lay in bed. This way the balance is re-set and as a reward for your hard work you get nice endorphins that make you feel so much better than you would have done just laying around all day.
At the end of the day eating junk food and drinking a lot is putting toxic crap into your body. The sooner it's got rid of the better you will be feeling.
Oh and drink as much water as you can force down your throat as soon as you get home off your drinking session. This will prevent you getting so dehydrated whilst you sleep and will makes your hangover much more bearable.