The Student Room Group
Reply 1
dont go!
Reply 2
dont go!

Normally I wouldn't. But it's all about how to do our exam/essays etc, so I really should be there
Reply 3
surely you can copy up someones notes form it?
ginger biscuits/ginger anything - ginger is great at cutting through nausea
Reply 5
ginger biscuits/ginger anything - ginger is great at cutting through nausea

I don't have any ginger :frown:. I think I'll just drink a lot of water (does that actually help?)
I don't have any ginger :frown:. I think I'll just drink a lot of water (does that actually help?)

take it with you and sip don't gulp. Sometimes a fizzy drink helps cut through nausea too (fizzy water or if you're hung over something packed full of sugar and caffiene wont hurt:biggrin:)

and sit near the door/end of an aisle:smile:

oh and mention that you're feeling ill (not hungover) to the lecturer before it starts but that you think the content will be too important to miss - s/he might be willing to give you notes one to one at a later date or if you do have to run out wont mind so much.
Reply 7
take it with you and sip don't gulp. Sometimes a fizzy drink helps cut through nausea too (fizzy water or if you're hung over something packed full of sugar and caffiene wont hurt:biggrin:)

and sit near the door/end of an aisle:smile:

oh and mention that you're feeling ill (not hungover) to the lecturer before it starts but that you think the content will be too important to miss - s/he might be willing to give you notes one to one at a later date or if you do have to run out wont mind so much.

I don't think I will be sick (well, hopefully not), I felt like this last week and I was ok. It's just the whole actually sitting there worrying about it! I have a 20-minute walk to my lecture theatre in the freezing cold air that I'm hoping will help! I'm definately buying ginger biscuits next time i'm in tesco! :biggrin:
Yep dont drink too much water at once it'll make you sick! Sip it slowly even if your mouth feels like a desert =D
Reply 9
I'm back :biggrin:. And survived. Such a pointless lecture though. Should have stayed in bed.
British humour is the best.
that was like a metaphor for life.
I love you guys.
Lemsip is the miracle hangover cure. The lemon stops you feeling sick, the paracetamol deals with your headache and aching bones, and it soothes your throat so it no longer feels like something crawled into your mouth and died.

Or, alternatively:

more beer!