The Student Room Group

Friend cutting himself...

Here's the deal - one of my really close guy mates came into school this morning looking really down snd depressed - I got him on his own at break to talk, and it turned out he broke up with his girlfriend last night and cut himself up his arms and his upper leg. He told me he didn't really feel anything when he broke up with her, not angry, sad, cross, upset - nothing - so he cut himself to make himself feel something, even if it was just pain. It sounded like there wasn't a real reason why he broke up with her - just that they weren't happy together and he stopped being attracted to her, even though he thought he loved her. I'm worried about him - i made him promise not to cut himself again but I'm still worried, and unsure what to do / say next - he asked me not to tell anyone, but if he carries on cutting, surely i should?! Any advice greatly appreciated, thanks ppl.
Reply 1

i guess the only thing you could really do is just be there for him and make sure he knows your there if he wants to talk. maybe try and explain to him that there are other, better ways of expressing how he feels, perhaps giving him some kinda website about self-harm? im not too sure. its hard because you dont want to make things worse.

Good Luck
Reply 2
If you read this post I've posted a lot of sites which you might find helpful. You could possibly direct your friend towards some of them too. If you learn more about it then you'll be more able to help him :smile: