The Student Room Group

Facial hair on girls

Is repulsive, I know. But I have had a slight problem with it since I was about 13/14. Its really embarassing for me to post this, even as an anonymous user, so please try and post constructive help, dont just laugh!!

Without going into my whole psychological history, having a 'tash' has made me really self conscious, and I've never really had a proper boyfriend. This never bothered me too much, but now theres a guy who I have the opportunity to get with, who I really like, but I'm too self conscious of it to do anything.

My question is, what would you lot recommend as the best removal method? I was thinking about waxing it, but I don't want it to grow back all stubbly/ or with just random hairs that would look even worse. I really don't know what to do about it, so if anyones got any advice it would be much appreciated.

Gawd I sound like such a beast. I'm really not some troll under a bridge though y'know!

Thanky :smile:

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Reply 1
Rather than getting out the gilette or wax..(for your face?!)..just use a piece of thread
Reply 2
Reply 3
Hair removal cream, the ones for sensitive skin work fine. And gosh, you make it sound so much worse than it is, it's just a bit of hair, its normal and you shouldnt get this upset over it.
Reply 5
i'd go to a beauty salon and get it done properly. i never had a problem with this 'til i developed PCOS, but now i too have a bit of a tache and i'm planning to go to my local salon, 'cos i don't want to do something to it myself in case it goes wrong and gets really irritated/stubbly :eek:
I know a few Indian girls who do threading, supposedly a better effect and less painful than waxing. You tie a length of thread into a kind of circle and twist it between your hands round the hair and pull it out.

Bleaching is an idea but my sis used to do this and as we have dark brown hair it was still quite noticeable. You could shave it although you'd need to go over it every couple of days to stay fuzz free. I'd love to try getting mine waxed but I don't do pain in any way shape or form!

Laser or aculight is an option for permanent removal...but expensive as most good things are!
Reply 7
Hair removal cream, the ones for sensitive skin work fine. And gosh, you make it sound so much worse than it is, it's just a bit of hair, its normal and you shouldnt get this upset over it.

Its a nice thought, but easy to say if you don't have it :smile:
Reply 8
i'd go to a beauty salon and get it done properly. i never had a problem with this 'til i developed PCOS, but now i too have a bit of a tache and i'm planning to go to my local salon, 'cos i don't want to do something to it myself in case it goes wrong and gets really irritated/stubbly :eek:

True, but it would probably take me a year to pluck up the courage to do that! I'm a bit pathetic like that heh.
Reply 9
pluck the stray hairs?
Reply 10
Get it lazered off or it will be a long lasting problem.
yeh threading is really good..but you would probably need someone to show you how to do it properly..
otherwise waxing is pretty good
use Jolen hair lightening cream (or another brand). also tends to thin the hair out. think its suitable for use on the face. I've used it on my arms a few times, because I have horribly dark hair on them *frowns* but it becomes much less noticeable, and doesn't have the nasty effect of growing back a lot thicker :P
It makes your skin a bit pink for a few hours after, so don't use it before a big occasion, but I've found it to be quite useful, hope that helps :smile:
Reply 13
I know a few Indian girls who do threading, supposedly a better effect and less painful than waxing. You tie a length of thread into a kind of circle and twist it between your hands round the hair and pull it out.

Bleaching is an idea but my sis used to do this and as we have dark brown hair it was still quite noticeable. You could shave it although you'd need to go over it every couple of days to stay fuzz free. I'd love to try getting mine waxed but I don't do pain in any way shape or form!

Laser or aculight is an option for permanent removal...but expensive as most good things are!

Thanks :smile:

Yeah, I think bleaching wouldn't suit me, as I have sort of olive type skin which it would show up on. And I may have to save my pennies for laser! Threading seems a bit high maintenance for me, if its like tweezing, which I tried once and almost cried!
Reply 14
Just get it waxed on a regular basis then.
Reply 15
Get it lazered off or it will be a long lasting problem.

I know, but it costs alot, there aren't any clinics near me (at least that I know of) and it takes forever. But I think I will probably do it when I'm older, cos like you say, its not just gonna go away on its own.

use Jolen hair lightening cream (or another brand). also tends to thin the hair out. think its suitable for use on the face. I've used it on my arms a few times, because I have horribly dark hair on them *frowns* but it becomes much less noticeable, and doesn't have the nasty effect of growing back a lot thicker :P
It makes your skin a bit pink for a few hours after, so don't use it before a big occasion, but I've found it to be quite useful, hope that helps :smile:

Aw thankyou. I might actually try that on my arms, as they are also bothering me. *ponders*
Waxing is good - a lot of people at school remove facial hair using this method. Threading is also really good - quick and easy to do. You would have to thread every 1-2 weeks though. Ok, I have to admit it hurts on my eyebrows BUT all my friends think it's pretty painless.

Bleaching is bad! It will look ridiculous, almost like Emily from Little Britain :smile:
Reply 17
So should I go ahead with waxing? And would it work if I did it myself? I know I should go to a salon, but I always find people in places like that (like hairdressers) really snooty and condescending to me, I dont know why :frown:, so I'm not entirely comfortable with it.
Reply 18
Get a home waxing kit or something, i really wanna know who this anonymous hairy person is lol.
Yup, you can do it at home. In Boots, I've seen some small waxing strips designed for the face