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I have! Don't know how much, but when my parents came up a few weeks ago they had to buy me new trousers coz mine didn't fit anymore. My bf's lost 3 stone since we started apparently! We're eating a lot more unhealthily this week though, just clearing out everything left in the cupboards!
yay for junk food :biggrin:
Reply 3
I lost a lot of weight recently. Probably down to my eating one meal of a baked potato/sandwich per day...
My mum will fatten me up again...
Reply 4
I think I've put on weight :redface:

Well, I've already paid for my meals, so may as well take full advantage... :biggrin:
Reply 5
I definalty have too, although i'm not sure by how much or why - I actually eat about the same here as I did at home (I cook at both anyway) but I guess i'm more active...
Reply 6
From reading the replies... it seems that people lose weight during uni as opposed to gain. What a contradiction... and a shame that US students GAIN weight during their first year... notoriously known as "the freshman 15" (as in 15 lb)
I've lost a bit of weight. I put it down to surviving on a diet of tinned soup.
Most people I know at uni have put on weight...a friend of mine put on 8lbs. I have pretty much stayed the same, although I do watch what I eat so not surprising really.
I've lost a bit. Probably mostly due to substituting food for alcohol.
Reply 10
I have put on quite a bit of weight. I am going to try to lose it when I go home.
Reply 11
People have actually lost weight? How??? I've definately put on weight. And I don't like it :frown:
Reply 12
I've definately put on weight. And I don't like it :frown:

Me neither. :frown: :hugs:
Reply 13
Umm, stayed about the same I think. Lost some at first but I've put some back on now.
In my group of friends I'm the only one who's lost weight during uni. But it's mainly because the food they give us is terrible and there isn't anywhere else to eat. I really just don't understand how people gain the freshman 15, I've probably lost around 15.
I find it easier to control what I eat at uni as I only buy healthy food, whereas at home there is so much more in the cupboards...every day I'm home now I'm fighting a losing battle with mince pies! But then again, I'm not going out every night and drinking the bar dry so it's swings and roundabouts really...!!
Reply 16
I find it easier to control what I eat at uni as I only buy healthy food, whereas at home there is so much more in the cupboards...every day I'm home now I'm fighting a losing battle with mince pies! But then again, I'm not going out every night and drinking the bar dry so it's swings and roundabouts really...!!

yeah, i know what you mean, i barely eat at uni' 'cause i have so much work to do. Also, at work, i spend like £1-£2 on lunch, 'cause i just don't wanna be too full up while working.

At home, i eat alot, 'cause my mum cooks nice food, and all the junk food you get like chrisp, chocolates, doughnuts, orange juice, ice cream etc.
Reply 17
Nah, Ive put on weight. I just eat junk all the time. And we are lazy so we often phone up for takeaways. That combined with the mindless binge drinking a few times a week means Chickadee is a fatty :p:
Reply 18
When my parents visited a few weeks ago my mam said I looked like I'd lost weight - I should have, walking up all these hills in Aber, but I don't feel it!
Reply 19
Lost weight? Lol. Nah ive put on weight. I eat mostly junk. x