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Signs of cheating /web cheating

Sooo ive been with my bf nearly three years. He's always been a bit of a cyber addict, gaming, porn, blogs, webcomics, youtube page etc

He also used to be quite big into networking sites such as tagged/ faces and loved to comment on girls pics.

Anway a month or so ago despite being highly anti- male grooming he trimmed his pubes, he said he did it because he was bored. I thought it was a little odd considering I have never asked or indicated i wanted him to do that (ive asked him to shave his beard he wont do that!) . Anyway the feeling of concern faded.

Today i was speaking to him on the phone (we're in a long distance relationship) and he told me how hed shaved his balls. I asked why, and he was like, erm see what its like, you may like it ... (i wont be seeing him for another 3weeks!). This seemed suprisingly odd to me considering he has a bit of a balls being touched phobia, if he doesnt want any contact with his testicals why would he shave them for me.

It starts making me concerned that perhaps he is masturbating on web cam and this explains all th pubic grooming. The concern wouldnt be as great if i hadnt caught him lying about his chatroom use in the past. He started using this chatroom chatterbox to 'promote his music' he later told me it was rubbish and people were only interested in dating/cyber sex. I also had used chatterbbox in the past and new what he meant and as concerned about him using it, so he said he deleted it. Anyway i wasnt sure so i logged into my old account and looked at his profile (which tells you when you log in) he had lied about deleting his account and had been using it recently. Chatterbow seems to be mainly made up of people wanting you to upload webcam, get your tits/ cock out....

Is he cheating!??? How can i find out!???

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Purple-speckled rash around the eyes and a sensitive, yellowish swelling beneath the right nipple are usually signs of online infidelity.
Maybe he's having sex with someone else?

It's quite strange that you think he's cheating, but the type of "cheating" you're assuming he's doing is "masturbating on webcam". Why... just why would your mind jump to that conclusion? :s-smilie:
Original post by Anonymous
Sooo ive been with my bf nearly three years. He's always been a bit of a cyber addict, gaming, porn, blogs, webcomics, youtube page etc

Is he cheating!??? How can i find out!???

hmmm.... I mean, you can always check his history or at least question him on how he lied about his account... you could set up a chat-profile and se what happens when you befriend him or talk to him or however the site works.... I think its most worrying that he wasnt honest with you so either way I would raise that as a matter... otherwise, its unlikely you will be able to tell... :s-smilie:
Reply 4
Original post by Pink Bullets
Maybe he's having sex with someone else?

It's quite strange that you think he's cheating, but the type of "cheating" you're assuming he's doing is "masturbating on webcam". Why... just why would your mind jump to that conclusion? :s-smilie:

He's not exactly the player type, one of his best freinds his his sister, im good friends with all of his freinds, when he goes out its always with them. Also he lives at home and his parents dont let random people stay over night (and erm he wouldnt bring them round either would he). Also his parents pretty much never go on holiday unless its a family one. He works with his dad. We speak on the phone pretty much every night. This is why....
Reply 5
Original post by bacforever3
hmmm.... I mean, you can always check his history or at least question him on how he lied about his account... you could set up a chat-profile and se what happens when you befriend him or talk to him or however the site works.... I think its most worrying that he wasnt honest with you so either way I would raise that as a matter... otherwise, its unlikely you will be able to tell... :s-smilie:

He really has deleted his profile now, i already questioned him, he said he hadnt got to deleting it and it showed he had been on it recently because it 'automatically' popped up... and unlikely story....
Reply 6
Also i caught him sending very flirtatious texts to and female freind of his, he obviously couldnt deny this but said he was really sorry, wont do it again blah blah and it was partially because he hadnt seen me for ages...
Although there is no concrete evidence, gonna be honest, sounds dodge.

Him not having seen you for ages is not a good excuse for 'very flirtatious texts' and possible having a **** over the internet on webcam. Tell him to come clean about what he's been up to or hit the road!
Reply 8
you didnt read the mirror to day did you

cause if yuo did ignore that woman

she needs her doctorate taking away

maybe jsut maybe he genuinely did to see what it was like

people acting differently does not mean they are up to something it could just mean there trying something new
Reply 9
Original post by alharrison4
Although there is no concrete evidence, gonna be honest, sounds dodge.

Him not having seen you for ages is not a good excuse for 'very flirtatious texts' and possible having a **** over the internet on webcam. Tell him to come clean about what he's been up to or hit the road!

I have tried, but whenever i bring up anything he's like 'i thought you said you'd forgiven me' or stop bringing it up i told you im not doing (texting that girl etc) anymore. I think he knows that if i found hed done anything else wrong it would be over anyway, so he's unlikely to admit to anything if he is mucking around behind my back. I really want to somehow prove my suspicions wrong, otherwise how can i ever trust him again :-(
Reply 10
Original post by kopite493
you didnt read the mirror to day did you

cause if yuo did ignore that woman

she needs her doctorate taking away

maybe jsut maybe he genuinely did to see what it was like

people acting differently does not mean they are up to something it could just mean there trying something new

I dont read the mirror, and would be unlikely to take what it says seriously.

Thats why i mentioned the whole 'change' (ie pubic grooming) to see if people think its suspicious or not...
Original post by Anonymous
He's not exactly the player type, one of his best freinds his his sister, im good friends with all of his freinds, when he goes out its always with them. Also he lives at home and his parents dont let random people stay over night (and erm he wouldnt bring them round either would he). Also his parents pretty much never go on holiday unless its a family one. He works with his dad. We speak on the phone pretty much every night. This is why....

I don't think its web cheating you need to be worried about.
Weirdest ****ing thread I've ever read. Do you really talk to your boyfriend on the phone about how he has shaved his balls?
Reply 13
Original post by ChaoticMaster
I don't think its web cheating you need to be worried about.

lol... i know i know
Reply 14
Original post by GodspeedGehenna
Weirdest ****ing thread I've ever read. Do you really talk to your boyfriend on the phone about how he has shaved his balls?

He brought it randomly... ask him!
Reply 15
Wow, I'm impressed you actually connected shaving 'his balls' to 'look good for camsex'

I wouldn't have thought of that :biggrin:
Reply 16
Original post by GAguy
Wow, I'm impressed you actually connected shaving 'his balls' to 'look good for camsex'

I wouldn't have thought of that :biggrin:

There does seem to be a correlation.Those with the rather sad habit of watching men masturbate on cam are looking for very visual stimuli (rather than physical stimuli) so yes i bet you shaved/trimmed is preferable.

My bf normally seems adverse to anything that i want him to change, he's a take me as i am type of guy. Long haired bearded, no concern for fashion etc, his grooming is very out of character
Reply 17
You need to dominate him xD
Ban the porn, get him to go outside. Worked for me.
Or, instead of cyber crap, just have sex with him.
Sure way to get him off the computer
Reply 18
Original post by Anonymous
There does seem to be a correlation.Those with the rather sad habit of watching men masturbate on cam are looking for very visual stimuli (rather than physical stimuli) so yes i bet you shaved/trimmed is preferable.

My bf normally seems adverse to anything that i want him to change, he's a take me as i am type of guy. Long haired bearded, no concern for fashion etc, his grooming is very out of character

Yeah, I totally agree there is a correlation! I just find it funny, that's all :biggrin:

Also, I'm pretty sure he cheated on you online, considering everything else you said that he continued logging on to a camsex board etc this seems the most likely case to me.

I don't think it's too serious though, at least he's not falling for another girl or stopped loving you.
Reply 19
Original post by amyholic
You need to dominate him xD
Ban the porn, get him to go outside. Worked for me.
Or, instead of cyber crap, just have sex with him.
Sure way to get him off the computer

Hard when your in a long distance relationship :-(