The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Hi, i most certaintly intend to study law and sociology at warwick; i totally understand the typical offer is ABB, but surely warwick expect higher and if so what typical grades are desirable? Also, i am just wondering whether this course is a good platform for me to go into corporate law? However, from what i have gathered apparently a BA degree will prevent me from becoming a solicitor/barristor due to being inadequate and not recongnised like a LLB, is this true (truthfully)?
(edited 13 years ago)
Reply 2
I think the offer is ABB at Warwick, but check this in the prospectus or online to be certain. If you're thinking of going into corporate law however, I would obviously recommend getting as high grades as possible, many law firms ask for a minimum of AAB at A level and as it is so competitive it's important to have as good grades as possible! I'm about to go into my 4th year of Law and Sociology and I have 2 vacation schemes with corporate law firms this summer lined up, so yes, most definitely it is a good platform. Most law firms accept students with non-law degrees who have taken the GDL conversion course, so not having an LLB is not a hindrance. The Warwick Law & Sociology degree is a qualifying law degree so you are just as qualified as the LLB students, the reason we receive a BA is in recognition of the extra sociology modules we take, so our BA is actually technically better (because it is broader than the LLB).

I hope this answers any questions you have but feel free to ask any more on here or private message me if you want to know anything else!
Reply 3
Can you just clarify that the BA will not disadvantage me in anyway if i was to take this course? Also, just say hyperthetically i don't want to go into law after the 4 years, can i fall back on the sociology aspect of the degree and persue something related to sociology? Can i also ask just out of curiosity what predicted/actual grades did you get and what subjects did you get them in?

+Thanks for the great response.
Reply 4
I can clarify that it will not disadvantage you in any way at all! The degree is still a qualifying law degree even though it is a BA.
You definitely aren't restricted to a law career after your degree; we are required to take a number of sociology modules so that our degree also fulfils the requirements of the sociology BA, but you could go into almost any graduate career with a good degree from Warwick.
I was predicted AAA (plus an A at AS) and I got those, (but getting over the grade requirement isn't a must) and I took English Literature, Law, Sociology (and General Studies and Citizenship).

Hope I'm being helpful!
Reply 5
That is great thanks.
Reply 6
Hi, apparently for the law and sociology course you do not require an interview, can you confirm whether this is correct or incorrect.
Reply 7
I'm really not sure about the current application process, I didn't have to have an interview when I got my place, but email the law admissions team for a conclusive answer.
So does this mean that someone with average GCSEs and predicted ABBc would have a good chance at getting in? given that their PS is great, great ECs, etc. ?
Reply 9
I obviously can't speak on behalf of the admissions department, but if you have the necessary grades and a good personal statement, I can't see why you wouldn't be able to get a place. Bear in mind though, that there are very few places available on this course and as such, it is pretty competitive. As always, if you have any questions I recommend you email the admissions team!
Reply 10
Hey, i have firmed Warwick law and sociology, my offer was AAB (probably due to my irrelevant a-levels) & i was just wondering what offers other applicants got, and as the general requirements are ABB, what are the chances of me still getting in? :\ :smile: Thanks in advance
Reply 11
If anyone going to warwick to study law and sociology this year is reading this please remember to like the society facebook pages:

See you all soon!!
Do you think the grade requirements will increase for 2012 entry? I received ABB at A2 and I'm hoping to get an unconditional since this was the entry requirements last year.
Reply 13
Original post by ehc2406
Hi everyone!

If anyone has any questions or just wants to let us know that you'll be coming to Warwick to study Law and Sociology this year - post away!

Hi mate,

Was just wondering what you would say my chances are for getting on to this course for next year, I got an offer for Law at Warwick last year, didn't make the grades, but after research into it, I really want to do the Law and Sociology course, I have ABB which is the standard offer , but i'm not sure this will be enough, given the competitiveness of this course? In any case, I am resitting in order to boost these grades.

Also, how did you go about incorporating both Law and Sociology into your personal statement if you did at all ?
Thanks in advance
Reply 14
Original post by chookieman
Hi mate,

Was just wondering what you would say my chances are for getting on to this course for next year, I got an offer for Law at Warwick last year, didn't make the grades, but after research into it, I really want to do the Law and Sociology course, I have ABB which is the standard offer , but i'm not sure this will be enough, given the competitiveness of this course? In any case, I am resitting in order to boost these grades.

Also, how did you go about incorporating both Law and Sociology into your personal statement if you did at all ?
Thanks in advance

It is a pretty competitive course, because there's so few places, but there are plenty of people in my year who met the basic offer of grades. I can't speak for the admissions department for next year, but obviously the better your grades the better your opportunities generally!

The most important thing is your personal statement, most people have the grades so you should make yourself stand out in the statement. You got a law offer last year so you're obviously doing something right. The Warwick law degree is 'law in context' so it already has a focus on law's role in society which fits perfectly with the sociology degree. I would try and emphasise how the law interests you in terms of its connection to people and society, but make sure you emphasise the law though, it's a qualifying law degree still. But I would say be honest! If you have a genuine interest then explain why you do!

Hope that's helpful!
I have an offer for Warwick law and sociology just trying to decide my firm and insurance choice. Do the law and sociology student get chance to integrate with the LLB students and if we share the same social events etc? This would be a huge help! Thanks x
Original post by Shelbymj123
I have an offer for Warwick law and sociology just trying to decide my firm and insurance choice. Do the law and sociology student get chance to integrate with the LLB students and if we share the same social events etc? This would be a huge help! Thanks x

Hey did you end up going as I have an offer for it ?