I think the offer is ABB at Warwick, but check this in the prospectus or online to be certain. If you're thinking of going into corporate law however, I would obviously recommend getting as high grades as possible, many law firms ask for a minimum of AAB at A level and as it is so competitive it's important to have as good grades as possible! I'm about to go into my 4th year of Law and Sociology and I have 2 vacation schemes with corporate law firms this summer lined up, so yes, most definitely it is a good platform. Most law firms accept students with non-law degrees who have taken the GDL conversion course, so not having an LLB is not a hindrance. The Warwick Law & Sociology degree is a qualifying law degree so you are just as qualified as the LLB students, the reason we receive a BA is in recognition of the extra sociology modules we take, so our BA is actually technically better (because it is broader than the LLB).
I hope this answers any questions you have but feel free to ask any more on here or private message me if you want to know anything else!