The Student Room Group

Good luck for your interview :smile: you'll be fine if you just smile, relax, and be yourself.

My interview wasn't too formal at all, I think I wore jeans and a shirt, but I think that jeans and a jumper would be fine. I wore trainers to mine. Remember, you're not going for an administration job in an accountancy firm, you're going to be a camp counsellor who's going to be, at points, more dirty at camp then you've ever been in your life lol (like when you get out of swimming in the lake, or playing gaga!)

The kind of questions I was asked, after they'd checked my paperwork, are thinks like "Why do you want to take part in this scheme?" "What qualities could you bring?" "how would you handle a homesick child?" and things like that. They may ask you specific questions about the boxes you ticked on your 'skills' form. They asked me how I'd get a kid to take a picture, and how I'd deal with kids in a swimming pool and try and teach them scuba diving.

Really, the interview's not too formal at all - the people that interview you are people that have been to summer camps before, so they know what they're doing. Just be confident in your abilities, be friendly (remember, they are people just like you) and be positive.

You'll be fine :smile: let us know how it goes.

Oh my GOD! I've just realised it was over a year ago that I had MY interview!! crazy!
Reply 2
Hey, is it to late now to apply for Camp America 2006 season?
Hey, is it to late now to apply for Camp America 2006 season?

Totally not, BUNAC don't even finish their interviews until Mid April.

Many people don't decide on what they want to do in their summers with regards to Summer camps until February or so.

Go ahead and apply.
Reply 4
Yeah I only filled in my application a couple of weeks ago!
(thanks for the info btw red!)
Reply 5
Oh another thing (this might sound quite bad). There's a thing about getting a police check, and I had a couple of things when I was like 13/14 with the police which were kept on file. does anyone know if this will have been cleared or anything for when they do the check? I wasn't actually convicted or anything I was just given warnings etc....

oops... teenage rebellion always comes back at you doesnt it.....
dumb reminders
Oh another thing (this might sound quite bad). There's a thing about getting a police check, and I had a couple of things when I was like 13/14 with the police which were kept on file. does anyone know if this will have been cleared or anything for when they do the check? I wasn't actually convicted or anything I was just given warnings etc....

oops... teenage rebellion always comes back at you doesnt it.....

Doesn't your criminal record get wiped clean when you turn 18? or am I wrong?

In any case - like you say, you were 13/14, the Camp America people are quite an open minded bunch, and so long as it wasn't anything TOO major, I think they'll be alright with it. Guess you'll just have to wait and see what they say. Good luck :smile:

Edit: Above all else: be honest about it. The worst thing you could do is to try and hide or cover it up in some way. Then if they find out about it, you'll be in major deep turd.
Reply 7
camp america and things say you must be available from like middle on june? dont we have A2 exams during this time?
Yep A2 exams don't finish til end of june.
camp america and things say you must be available from like middle on june?

When I did it this year, the latest date to be available by was the 28th of June. My Camp wanted me on the 22nd of June, so it will be near the end of June. Obviously though, the earlier you're available to a Camp, the more chance you have of getting a place with them.

Also, about the A2 exams... correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you normally do them when you're 17? if so, then Camp America wont be an option anyway, 'cause you need to be 18 or over. <Thinks> I was 17 when I did my A2s...
When I did it this year, the latest date to be available by was the 28th of June. My Camp wanted me on the 22nd of June, so it will be near the end of June. Obviously though, the earlier you're available to a Camp, the more chance you have of getting a place with them.

Also, about the A2 exams... correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you normally do them when you're 17? if so, then Camp America wont be an option anyway, 'cause you need to be 18 or over. <Thinks> I was 17 when I did my A2s...

You normally turn 18 in Year 13 when you do your A2's - however the organisations like Camp America normally need you to be 18 by the June 1st before you leave.
my last exam is on the 22nd june, and it says the latest date you have to be available from is the 26th. So it should be okay.
Im 18 in march, and yeah hopefully there will be nothing on my record I don't really know though... and they seem to make a bit of a deal over the police check thing, although i guess its more to check that you're not a paedophile or something than getting in fights when you're a kid...
dumb reminders
my last exam is on the 22nd june, and it says the latest date you have to be available from is the 26th. So it should be okay.
Im 18 in march, and yeah hopefully there will be nothing on my record I don't really know though... and they seem to make a bit of a deal over the police check thing, although i guess its more to check that you're not a paedophile or something than getting in fights when you're a kid...

You should be fine. To be honest for most people aged 18, at Uni, there should be no reason why the Enhanced CRB check shouldn't come up clean.

Things like parking/speeding tickets might come up, but that's nothing major - provided you've not been DQd - and then driven whilst DQd !

Now if you were a major drug dealer round your local, or on the local Vice squads watch list, then you might have a problem. Drunk & Disorderly wouldn't look too good, Assualt/GBH/ABH etc.

They're mainly looking out for things that would put any children you would be taking care of in danger. A history of D&D would show lack of responsibility, of course we're all allowed one mistake, so you'd expect warnings/reprimands to be excusable, especially if a few years ago.

It's common sense really. If you were to have a babysitter, and your folks got to look at the applicants CRB records, at what point would your folks say "Nope, that's not acceptable" ?
Doesn't your criminal record get wiped clean when you turn 18? or am I wrong?

yea it does
Had my interview today!
It went fine, everything went down well and I managed to keep talking for an hour! Can't wait I just want to go tomorrow!
Reply 15
well good look......
dumb reminders
Had my interview today!
It went fine, everything went down well and I managed to keep talking for an hour! Can't wait I just want to go tomorrow!

At least now we can say it's THIS Summer !!!!