The Student Room Group

Who was the 3rd person to kiss Will (before season 3) in Inbetweeners?

It's just got me really stumped. I can't continue the series until I find this out! So frustrating, I just can't stop thinking about it.

Basically, Simon made a comment to Will saying he's only kissed 3 girls so blablabla. The thing is, all I can count is Charlotte and Daisy. I just can't remember the third one, any help?
How do you sleep at night?
Reply 2
Original post by Autumn armchairs
How do you sleep at night?

It's just, this small thing is bugging me and I can't help it! I can't stop it bugging me until I remember it, like how you were going to do something, then you forget, then you can't concentrate on anything until you remember what it was. D:
Reply 3
His mum?
Reply 4
This is eating me up. :cry:
The girl at caravan club

Reply 6
Original post by *Boofle*
The girl at caravan club

Thank you SO SO much! You don't know how much you just cleared my head. Thanks thanks thanks and thanks again. :love:
Original post by Sadian
Thank you SO SO much! You don't know how much you just cleared my head. Thanks thanks thanks and thanks again. :love:

No problem. I've watched it enough times to remember :redface:
Reply 8
Original post by Sadian
Thank you SO SO much! You don't know how much you just cleared my head. Thanks thanks thanks and thanks again. :love:

Your easily pleased :smile:
Reply 9
Original post by Tba90
Your easily pleased :smile:

I was just THAT bugged. I literally couldn't get my head around anything, focus on anything, watch/do anything until I KNEW who the 3rd was. e_e
The red headed girl in caravan club. She just goes over to him and kisses him.
Quick quizz:
1. How old is Niel on season three were he has his birthday?
2. Who tells the gang to go to caravan club?
3. What film are Will, Simon, Kerry and Tara wathing in the mall in season 3?
Number 3 is big kerry on season 3. Is daisy the red haI red punky girl. And also, will says and I quote,
1. 182. Jay3.Saw
Reply 13
I thought you're not supposed to bump old threads...
Reply 14
The punk girl from caravan club
The redhead Neil fingered and got wanked off by at the Camber sands meet-up kisses will before moving on to Neil after he messed it up by sliding
I think it was in Caravan Club when he kissed that red head that Neil said was nice