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Ooh poor you!

Whereabouts on your face is it? I developed it v. badly on my lips/chin years after I cleared it up everywhere else and only found that using the cream I used for the rest of my body worked (Betnovate) but that you're not really supposed to use is there because it thins and sometimes scars the skin.

Would your GP not refer you to a dermatologist? I was referred but admittedly he wasn't much help :frown:
Reply 2
I've experienced eczema as a child though was able to control it with over the counter creams and ointments however all of a sudden i have developed eczema on my face. I have tryed all your usual creams and things however it won't improve. Ive seen my doctor and can't suggest anything else. I'm just wondering if anyone has any suggestions of treatments that work, No matter how unusual. I'm desperate.Thanks for your help.

Glad to know I'm not the only one. How does it spread to the face anyway? I have eczema, they should burn in hell!
Reply 3
R u stressed or going through a hard time?? I ask, because my friend tends to develop eczema, esp. on her face, around her mouth and neck when ever she is stressed. Then it all clears up when she is more calmed! Dont think she used anything on it, she just washed her face regularly.
I've got it on my cheeks, and the tops of my arms and legs. It's horrible, and every time I've been to the doctor they give me something that doesn't work. They said I'd grow out of it as I get older, but I'm 17 now and it is still there. I don;t know what to do either...I'm fed up of doctors telling me they can't do anything!!! I want nice skin :frown:
Reply 5
I use elocon for it on my face and it works for me but you have to get it on prescription and you might not be able to until you've tried other stuff cos it's quite strong and so is a higher risk for skin thinning than other creams.

There was a thread on here a while ago that mentioned some natural remedys, but I'm not sure what it's called, sorry. I think bee propolis was one but I don't really know
Reply 6
i've always have eczma since i was little as well. I have it on my face it comea and goes. I have it at the corner of my eye lid and the gap between my mouth and nose. Sometimes it got really bad it gets infected :frown: . I adivce you to keeo moisturising and keep using those creams your dr gave you.
Another thing, this is really important, lay off from food which contains egg yolk, and lay off beef, prawn,crab, lobster anything contains nuts, maybe duck. It seriously does worsen your exzma if you keep having them. i know it is hard to avioud things which contains egg yolk and nuts becaseu most food contains them such as cake etc so you have to read the ingredients before yo buy any food. If you have all beef prawn egg yold etc all at once, you will suffer and itch like hell!! Trust me i have been through it before it was so bad that my eczma get infected.

Don;t even bother asking the enlish doctor whether food affects eczma they'll say no but it is not true. I get all those food facts from this chinese doctor i see in hong kong a while ago and bingo everything he says is right, as soon as i had thosefood, they flear up but goes within a week or so.

Good luck with it and remember to keep away form those food
Reply 7
Can I just say that I think whether certain foods trigger eczema and which foods varies from person to person. You should try not to severly restrict your diet unless you're sure it helps. Maybe try cutting out certain foods one at a time and seeing if it makes a difference? Other things which are supposed to trigger/worsen eczema are citrus fruits, artificial stuff and caffine, there might be more i can't remember
Reply 8
R u stressed or going through a hard time?? I ask, because my friend tends to develop eczema, esp. on her face, around her mouth and neck when ever she is stressed. Then it all clears up when she is more calmed! Dont think she used anything on it, she just washed her face regularly.

That makes it sound like eczema's a fungal skin infection - but it isn't.
I'm sure washing the affected area/s would dry it out even more. :confused:

Hydrocortisone's the best by my experience. I have Febrile Eczema. It doesn't itch (not a lot anyway) and it looks almost like ringworm looks - bumpy on my skin - luckily its just patchy bits on my ankles.

My mum and sister have psoriasis and thats soo awful :colondollar: My sister was actually hospitalised when she was 9/10 for about 9 months because her skin was so bad - she was bandaged pretty much head to toe :frown:

Suggest you go to the doctor's and they will advise you and pescribe you some ointments.
Reply 9
I completely sympathise. I've had eczema on and off since early childhood - initially in the crooks of the elbows and knees, then on my hands. I've been eczema-free for a few years now, but I wouldn't be surprised if it came back again at some point. Unfortunately I never discovered whether anything specific triggered it, or why it's gone away. :confused:

I found Betnovate to be pretty effective, though I tried not to use it too much as it's meant to thin the skin (and I do have very dry skin on my hands which need moisturising every time I wash them). I wouldn't recommend it for the face. I tried various other products, such as calendula cream and the good old E45, but they didn't do much for me. What skincare do you use? Also, it's worth asking your GP to refer you to a dermatologist - they may be able to come up with further options.

Sorry I don't have any useful advice - I just wanted to let you know I sympathise and hope you find a solution soon!

Reply 10

ive had eczema since infancy and have suffered badly at various points in my life, to the extremes ofnot being able to walk because my feet were covered and cracked so badly. after puberty it seemed to clear up for a bit, but since i was 18 it has gradually been getting worse and worse.

in june this year i was covered from neck to foot in bright red itchy eczema, literally. the doctors just prescribe more creams. so i decided to take things into my own hands and see if it was triggered by certain foods.

i cut out wheat for 2 weeks. no improvement.

then i cut out dairy products. within a week, my skin was clearer and smoother and within 2 weeks it had all completely disappeared.

i have been dairy free for 6 months now and no longer suffer with eczema apart from the odd patch occasionally, but i would say there has been a 95% improvement.

doctors will say a food allergy is rare, but i reckon anything's worth a shot! i'd try dairy first, then wheat, then citrus, avoid wines. i still eat eggs btw as these are not dairy products and have no problems.

good luck!!

Try eliminating dairy products and see if that helps at all. Some studies show that it can sometimes be the cause a flare ups.

Cold wheather is also said to aggravate eczema so it could be the cold climate as it's winter.

Soaps, bubble bath etc that dry the skin out can add to troubles. Try a hydrating soap and that perhaps.

It could even be what you use to wash your cloths. If it has changed resently around the time it came up it could well be that.

Oh and if you can get your hands on some Diprobase and/or Diprobath cream that would probably help you.
Reply 12
I've experienced eczema as a child though was able to control it with over the counter creams and ointments however all of a sudden i have developed eczema on my face. I have tryed all your usual creams and things however it won't improve. Ive seen my doctor and can't suggest anything else. I'm just wondering if anyone has any suggestions of treatments that work, No matter how unusual. I'm desperate.Thanks for your help.

Ask at the doctors again about a cream called daktacort i think it is something like that.
OK maybe some of th food i have mentioned above may not be the trigger of YOUR eczma, might differ from person.
BUT you can still try and steer clear of the food i have mentioned above, and then aftr a week of so, try beef or egg yolk or something, believe me. But seriously those foods definately worsen eczma, it is because they are what we call in chinese terms most 'poisonous' - this does not mean you will die from it when you have them but it means that those food are the worst for eczmatic skin
i agree with trying to eliminate food you suspect might be causing it.

I had excema on my hands when I was young, and then a few years ago it came back. The standard steroid creams worked a bit, but the best was a chinese cream I got. It allways got rid of it but it would come back if I stopped use. Since ive come to uni this term, ive stopped using the cream and my excema hasnt come back, so im guessing it was maybe a food allergy since I have made changes to my diet since coming here (most notable, almost no milk, and also no grains for much of the time)

I get exerma badly on my hands and behind my legs. Actually steroid cream is now available from the chemist, and helps lots
I've experienced eczema as a child though was able to control it with over the counter creams and ointments however all of a sudden i have developed eczema on my face. I have tryed all your usual creams and things however it won't improve. Ive seen my doctor and can't suggest anything else. I'm just wondering if anyone has any suggestions of treatments that work, No matter how unusual. I'm desperate.Thanks for your help.
my mum gets it on her face too, all she does is use the cream when she gets an outbreak and has to be very careful with what make up she wears... I've just got sensitive skin on my face so i dont use foundation cuz i dont wanna get the full blown excema like my mum gets on her face and i get all down my legs!
Reply 17
My mum often finds periods of stress can set of mild eczema on her face and on her hands. Maybe stress has set if off.
My excema has thankfully calmed down a lot in the last year. Now I only have it on my hands (not as bad as before, but they still crack open in the cold). I never got it on my face, but I felt it coming there a few times and had to try my best not to start scratching.

Some things that I found helpful:
cutting out dairy
aloe vera (there's a gel you can get, or you can drink it [dad used to put it in my orange juice but I could always tell - it tastes vile!])
cod liver oil. it tastes worse than the aloe vera but it is supposed to work really well (and has many other beneficial effects). get the pure oil, not the capsules as they are crap. i must warn you that it will make your skin worse before it gets better. this really frustrated me, and i admit to giving up a few times, but i think perserverance is the key!
Reply 19
the excema is REALLY bad on my face, like on both of my cheeks and on my nose and is all yellow and scabby on one cheek, it itches every second of the day and ive tried not to scratch it but i cant help it sometimes. Ive had hydro. cream and a few others that just arent working. Anyway, i went to a dermatologist today to have 2 moles removed and pointed it out to her and shes given me tht aqueous cream to wash with and she gave me Leo Fucibet cream (which ive had for another rash a couple of months ago). She said it should be cleared up by christmas!!!!!! Fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!!