ive had eczema since infancy and have suffered badly at various points in my life, to the extremes ofnot being able to walk because my feet were covered and cracked so badly. after puberty it seemed to clear up for a bit, but since i was 18 it has gradually been getting worse and worse.
in june this year i was covered from neck to foot in bright red itchy eczema, literally. the doctors just prescribe more creams. so i decided to take things into my own hands and see if it was triggered by certain foods.
i cut out wheat for 2 weeks. no improvement.
then i cut out dairy products. within a week, my skin was clearer and smoother and within 2 weeks it had all completely disappeared.
i have been dairy free for 6 months now and no longer suffer with eczema apart from the odd patch occasionally, but i would say there has been a 95% improvement.
doctors will say a food allergy is rare, but i reckon anything's worth a shot! i'd try dairy first, then wheat, then citrus, avoid wines. i still eat eggs btw as these are not dairy products and have no problems.
good luck!!