Ok this is a long story,,,
Last year I was going out with a wonderful guy, We got on so well and I thought he was perfect in every way. The only thing was that he was 10 years older than my, and I found out he had 3 kids. At first I thought I could deal with this but it constantly played on my mind. Although he had not seen them for years I felt extremely uncomfortable and found myself becoming very jelous. He wanted us to get married and I would have done if it wasn't for the fact that any children that we would have would have half brothers and sisters and also my parents would be very disappointed if they found out about his past. I ended the relationship shortly after I went to uni and at the time I felt it was the right thing.
Since breaking up with A, I met B, a guy off my course at uni. I think B is a really sweet guy and all my friends think he is better looking and a better match for me than A but recently I cant stop thinking about A. B is a nice guy like he helps me at uni and stuff but hes nothing compared to A. I keep thinking when B does something to upset me that A would nver hav done that. Now I am back home I feel so depressed looking at all the places I used to hang out with A. I dont know where he is now he said I hurt him so much he never wants to see me again. I still speak to B on the phone every day and our relationship seems to be progressing better even though we argue a bit.
Have I done the right thing? Should I continue my relationship with B ?
and how can I get over A?
oh its such a mess!!