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Reply 1
Loved it; it got me a maximum UMS with a minimum of effort.

It has annoying bits, but so has any module.


Ah, now the Simplex algorithm... mmm...
Funny old module but it should be easy marks.
Reply 3
Its easy marks! But i absolutely hate it!!!!!! Its the most boring module ever dreamt up, even more boring than S1 and thats saying something!
Reply 4
Its easy marks! But i absolutely hate it!!!!!! Its the most boring module ever dreamt up, even more boring than S1 and thats saying something!

well said! :smile:
Hmm, 47/75 for an A.
Stingy examiners or crap people mostly do it?
Reply 6
I hate it! Sitting it in January... When I try past papers, I can only complete half the paper in the allotted time! All these algorithms are so time consuming! But yeah, it's not too difficult if you have the memory for it!
Reply 7
do mean the decision module the one with graph theory and stuff in it ?

cos if you do then OMG are you all crazy this is so much better thatn C1
When I try past papers, I can only complete half the paper in the allotted time! All these algorithms are so time consuming!

I had the same problem at first, but a HUUUUGE hint, get your hands on a past paper and mark scheme (if you haven't already) and look at which lines actually get you the marks. Once I had looked at that, I realised all the rubbish I could leave out and got through it a lot easier.
I hated D1. Out of all the 9 maths modules I did D1 was by far the worst, hardest and generally most boring! :frown:
Reply 10
Hehe, I'm taking D1 probably in January 2007 or June 2007. I've had a look through it; it does seem to be time consuming! Ah well, not to worry :smile: ... I'm sure that with enough practise it would be possible to get a decent mark on it :smile: ...
i thought it was great when i did it, and got good marks in it. i was actually one of the few people who found it quite interesting - the only problem i had with it was that it was very easy to make simple/trivial errors if you're not concentrating on stuff like the minimum cut/maximum flow method. anyhows, it was good fun once you get into it!

*hears the sound of people tearing their hair out at the idea that someone actually enjoyed D1*

Reply 12
i thought it was great when i did it, and got good marks in it. i was actually one of the few people who found it quite interesting - the only problem i had with it was that it was very easy to make simple/trivial errors if you're not concentrating on stuff like the minimum cut/maximum flow method. anyhows, it was good fun once you get into it!

*hears the sound of people tearing their hair out at the idea that someone actually enjoyed D1*

well im the only person in my class who is enjoying it
Reply 13
love d1 more than anytrhing in the world, except maths exams :biggrin:
Reply 14
I actually kind of enjoyed D1 (compared to S1 anyway!)
Reply 15
how can ppl possibly enjoy d1!! its just boring algorithms repeated again and again and again, just with different numbers. Even S1 was more (although not a lot more) interesting!
how can ppl possibly enjoy d1!! its just boring algorithms repeated again and again and again, just with different numbers. Even S1 was more (although not a lot more) interesting!

back in the day when i had to do s1, i thought it was the most boring thing in the world - why the hell do i need to know how to draw a box and whisker diagram, or a histogram!? you say that d1 is boring, because it's the same thing, but with different numbers, which to some extent is true, but it's the same thing for p1, m1, s1, m2, s2, and a few others - there are only about 7 or 8 question types that will come up for any given exam, which will be similar to previous years but with different numbers. plus, they can't exactly put ridiculously obscure and complex stuff in d1, because '1' modules are supposed to be simple.
Reply 17
D1 = √(All Evil)

'Nuff said.

Hate it with a passion...
Reply 18
You guys think D1 is more boring than S1? Wow, I'm starting to dread doing D1 :p: !
Reply 19
You guys think D1 is more boring than S1? Wow, I'm starting to dread doing D1 :p: !
its really not that bad