No I must disagree with you Hicham. Let's be frank shall we and leave the verbosity behind...
You applied to King's on your own accord because you apparently did not want to undertake a medicine degree. Prestige is an issue which is incredibly important to you and I feel that it is unfounded. Are you leaving King's simple because of this apparent presitige issue or for other concerns like facilities and quality of teaching or course content? The fundamental question remains unanswered: "At the end of 3 yrs, what do you think will be the outcome of all this debating?"
That pretentious nonsense about Analysis v Numbers and Functions. We do Analysis in Year 2 and if you were to compare the syllabus of this Analysis course to that of any other higher ranked university (hmmm lets see, how about Imperial..), it would be almost identical. Just because they wish to teach us elementary analysis (or perhaps Foundations of Analysis in Yr 1 at Imperial) in the first semester does not mean that they will never teach us it and we shall be "mathematically deprived" so to speak. I don't see what you find so irratating about that set-up. Secondly, as far as the Calculus 1 issue goes, the simple answer to that is that some of us did not do A Level Further Mathematics so it goes without saying that we need to be taught the things we did not encounter in A Level single mathematics. Just because you did do further maths does not mean that the Department is somewhat inferior just because it teaches that stuff again. The same goes for Linear Methods which, agreed, is all further mathematics. We still need to know it Hicham!
Let's be thorough and compare the syllabi of King's and Imperial in the first year. The main difference is that they get taught Analysis 1 and we get taught it in Yr 2. Mathematical Methods 1 and 2 (according to the course information PDF on the website) is the same as Calculus 1 and 2 conceptually. And they get taught Geometry along with Linear Algebra (which incidentally has a lot of topics in Numbers and Functions haha) in one single module while Geometry is taught separately here. None of this is false Hicham, i urge you to look at the website!
Not for one moment do I doubt your mathematical competence Hicham. I just think that you are subtly trying to tell people that "I'm too good for King's Mathematics." The majority of the people find the work thus far pretty easy. You are not the only one. I advise you not to be so presumptious and believe the work will stay this elementary for the duration of the 3 yrs or that we're all idiots for staying here and not leaving King's asap.
If you compare King's to Warwick, Imperial, UCL or Cambridge for example then it is not a top mathematical institution. But with Mathematics at university, we still learn the same topics, even if it might be slightly later in the couse, and the lecturers put in a lot of time to make sure you understand the material well. It is up to you to take advantage of the opportunities avaliable to you. If you want to challenge yourself, we have a very well stocked mathematics section at the beautiful Maughan library and you can get a book and teach yourself a more advanced subject if you so desire. The frequency of assessment is good and keeps you up to date with the work. Yes, the general calibre of student is not as high as at Cambridge or the aforementioned universities but there are some very good students here nonetheless with stellar grades throughout school and work extremely hard who are (believe it or not) enjoying learning mathematics here.
Admittedly, it is a mid tier mathematics dept but where you cannot simply put off working and I stress again, the level of teaching is high. My friend is in his 2nd year at Cambridge studying Mathematics and he was shocked when I told him the amount of work we have at present. Yes, the work itself is not difficult (he found it quite easy in Yr 1 too) but he didn't get tested or have as much homework as we have to do weekly.
I trust that you will reply to this Hicham trying desparately to undermine everything I've just said. But rest assured that all that I have said is the truth and unlike you, I am very satisfied with studying here and will make the most of the opportunities on offer.
Oh yeah and as for you Genghis, don't be silly, Hicham can't dance!