[quote]I just got an offer from St Hilda's, and having thought it through, just wanted to know a little more about your experience there.
Besides Norrington, what is the general attitude of other students there towards Hilda's students? Mixed. Sometimes negative yes, but it's generally unsubstantiated, just stereotypical.
Do you find that you do less work than other colleges?What?! Of course not! I do as much work as Classicists at other colleges; sometimes quite a lot more.
Do arts students tend to have more friends in college than out? Erm... this depends completely on the individual. I have loads of friends at other colleges; other people have next to none.
What are the sports like? Sport is very good at Hilda's. We are the closest college to the Iffley Sports Gound (the main uni facility); there is a wide rage of sports teams, and rowing is very popular. Again, sports is an activity which you can involve yourself in completely or ignore completely; it's up to the individual.
Is there a chapel? Yes, there is. I don;'t like it one bit though. It's not an old chapel (the original one was closed for some reason), but rather some modernist thing. Personal taste I suppose. They do offer services for most denominations, and the CU is fairly active.
Do you tend to get visitors from other colleges at Hilda's for subjects like PPE?? Visitors? I'm afraid I don't know what you mean. Visintg students in tutes? Visiting tutors?
With regard to other students, do they also tend to loves St Hilda's above all other colleges, even their initial choice college? (I think 50% are pooled...or is it 25% )Once again, this is a personal choice. I love it, as do most of the people I know there. There are people who don't like it, just as there are at other colleges. The general ratios are 50% pooled, 25% open app, 25% applied.
What college did you originally apply for (please don't say Magdalen, that makes 3 people... ). Brasenose; I really didn't like the place. I was considering rejecting it even if they did make me an offer.
Sorry, that's a lot of questions!
Oxford, and Hilda's, are experiences that every person reacts to differently. The majority of people love it though. It's your college: you can immerse yourself in it wholeheartedly and never venture outside its walls except for lectures, you can hardly ever spend any time there, or you can chooose a middle route and spend your time in wherever takes your fancy. And yes, I do the last. It's my college, not a prison, as Zoraster said.