The Student Room Group

The Girl in the Supermarket

It sounds like an award winning film/book etc....but i have a minor problem.
It's ridiculous really, but each time i go into my local co-op i'm pooing myself - there is a really attractive girl who works there sometimes. Went there 1hr ago and she was at the till and served me, and i just cacked myself...its just a crush, i don't even know her, she simply works there either in the till capacity or stacking shelves, but each time i am so nervous going in there in case she is working one of her shifts there. I might just avoid the place in future...its bloody embarrassing...

Anyone else employ avoidance tactics like this? I'm seriously frickin hopeless...last time i was in the shop i had put several items in my basket but then saw that she was working behind the till, that she could possibly serve me, so i put all the stuff back on the shelves and left, tonights an improvement of sorts, but i go so nervous when in front of someone i find attractive... :confused: Don't take the píss please but it is ridiculous...

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Reply 1
I'm not going to take the piss, but seriously, ease up dude! I think you have some insecurity complex or something, you need to address why you get so nervous? Is it a fear that she might reject you in some way or laugh at you?

You don't even know the girl, why are you worried in front of her? It is natural to be a tad nervous but to alter your plans just to avoid her is unusual. I think you just need to realise that she is normal and the same as everybody else, just go in there and buy your goods for god's sake! After you have done it a few times it won't seem so bad, and you may even find a good opportunity to strike up conversation...
no its not insecurity...nor that she'd laugh or reject me! I don't think it's a crush - she just looks sooo incredibly attractive. I poop myself when i find someone attractive, just get ultra nervous, something i'm sure would happen if i popped into Jennifer Connolly in real life....
Reply 3
Awwww, bless your little cotton socks! *hugs*

Just say hi to her! You'll never know if you don't try, and if she tells you to get lost then just never go in the shop again. :wink:
Reply 4 it really that hard to make polite conversation with the person at the till at a shop?
just do that for a while, you'll get to know her better and you'll see if she's just a good looking girl - you have to speculate to accumulate after all.

trust me - boring job like that - someone who smiles and is kind is exactly what you want through the day
Reply 5
I think you should stop talking about "pooping" yourself to be honest. It is kind of freaky.

But I don't understand why it happens. I mean, why do you get so nervous?
i get nervous b/c shes attractive - ive always been like this really. Perhaps i need to do more exercise so i feel more relaxed physically.
Reply 7
dont worry buddy - I used to be the same, just relax and think about it and you'll realise that it doesn't actually matter - smile, be yourself and you could do nothing more.
i just cacked myself

go toilet before you go out then you'll won't be nervous. LOL

seriously though theres nothing to worry about. If you want to do somethin about your crush just say hi or somethin, maybe ask her out, wats the worse she can say? No. And then theres always a million other girls.
Right.. Just eat a diazepam before you go in the shop. It's a drug which completely neutralises your fear of everything (Snipers use them so they dont move 1/4th of an inch or they'll miss).
Ask Her Out
Um I get like this when I see a dam gorgeous bloke, even worse when he is bloody married. It is sort of cause I don't wanna look interested because I probably can't be, then I don't know where to look and go red
get naked.

then she will notice you.

but do you want her to notice u, or do u want to not panic?
*fell in love with the girl at the rock show...*

or supermarket...whatever :smile:
don't avoid her....she might notice that and then u wud look weird! :confused:
Yer your going to end up stuffed up when u run out of tea bags
Reply 17
when she asks "that everything?", say no and ask her for her number. at worst you'll get a smile...
Hmmm i wouldnt say its a crush, i just find her ridiculously attractive - i dont even know her at all, personality etc....apart from the customary "hello!" "just key in here [pin no...]" and "bye/cya"

I'm not interested in getting into a relationship or asking her out/anything...but i'd just rather act as though everything is normal, and without panicking when i see her, i can really imagine her being my ideal 'type' but no, im not in the right 'place' to be in any relationship due to being busy at uni etc....

purely....shes damn attractive and i wilt under the conditions b/c of this, she seems pretty cool/cute, without wanting that word to sound erughhh patronising...but its pretty pathetic the way i am so i just have to chill out and block it out.

Thanks more responses necessary...just a silly dilemma.
Reply 19
im the opposite. i go the co-op, and the union shop at certain times to see sexy shop ladies.

sexy shop ladies rule.