The Student Room Group

on my walk into town today

i was in town minding my own business and i hate my town most people want to ring my throat and watch me suffer becuase they just don't like me as i stood up to them all,

anyway i was indeed watching my step and watching out for people to just ignore, after i walked around with a huge grin on my face after buying my christmas pressies for really cheap, i bumped into literally, i wasnt looking where i was going at that time and did walk into these two girls who are 2 years younger then me i used to be good mates with them but after one of there boyfriends well ex came on to me they hate me, starting to shout abuse at me it made me feel like everyone had stopped and pointed at me.

i looked up thinking oh no way of all the people to bump into!!
after that i saw my ex he was driving down the small road by a bank and the car was far away and i could walk across!! now he doesn;t like me because i had to let him go it was to hard with him being in the army,
he could have just ran me over, and had done with it.

when i was in the shops loads of people were stnading so close to me i felt sick i had to get out of there as soon as someones shoulder rubbed against mine and breathe in fresh air!!

after all of that i went all dizzy and felt really sick, i thought oh my god i have to go home now or something bad willl happen so i went home and as i walked through the door i felt a hell of a lot better!!

sorry i know its boring but is that normal i don;t think it is, and it only happens since ive not been out much!!

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Reply 1
ever heard of a full stop? :s-smilie:
Reply 2
yer sorry im no good with puncutaion as you can see!! its the dylexic syndrom

well basically i went into town as i do every other week after signing on and i saw people who don;t like me,
i went dizzy and felt sick then i had to get home quick thinking something bad will happen,

is that just because iam a dumbo and everyone hates me or is that genrally not normal!
Reply 3
have a hot bath with radox
Reply 4
no worrys ill just try and be normal when i step out the door just ignore this whole post im just being totally stupid none needs to know my boring storys.

sorry i annoyed you all with it!!
Reply 5
you could try and make up with the people who hate you?
Reply 6
you could try and make up with the people who hate you?

i don't trust any of them they did nothing but lie to me, they just make me feel strange not scared, that when im on my own and i see them i start feeling sick!!! as i don;t want them near me,
its proberly nothing but i need to work on that small issue i think!!

thanx anyways
Reply 7
make new friends then to protect you.
Reply 9
make new friends then to protect you.

thats a good idea, with a new job comes potential mates, oh my i sound like one of those weridos who smells like wee and twitches my curtains and never open them lol im not though lol im just abit messed up at the moment!
there you go. problem solved.
Reply 11
indeed im going to get some money so i can go and move somewhere that my best mate lives beucase it feels alot more welcoming then round here its started to turn into the bronx after all the bad stuff in this town!!

thanx hun!!
move to australia.
Reply 13
id love to move there i think its such an amazing place, even if ive never been, perfect a penthouse apartment with a view of Sydney Harbour!!

It sounds as though you perhaps have 'Social Anxiety' (about which, there's plenty of information online). Not that I'm wishing to force labels onto you, without knowing much about your situation, but the dizziness and feelings of sickness around crowds/groups of people hint at existence of the condition; even if these are not regularly experienced.

I know what you mean about unwelcomed meetings with people from the past, which may seem all-too-frequent. You're only young, so don't worry; you have plenty of time to meet new people, to make fresh starts and to have fun while still being young. Times change; if things seem bad, they won't necessarily always be.

Oh, and if there's any place to get things off your chest, this is probably it, so don't worry on that score. All the best.
Reply 15
thanx i was thinking it was some kind of thing like that only
how am i ment to trust anyone when i am so insecure now!!
i don;t think im good enough for peoples friendships everyone i know ditched me when they found out i ran out of money!! mates id had for years i was earning alot of money then,

im glad i quit my job i learnt who my real mates are at least none of them!!

thanx hunxx
Reply 16
make new friends then to protect you.

Get friends just for the purposes of protecting you??? this isn't chav land
Reply 17
i should contact rentacrowd lol

i can't bring myself to even think of having new mates theres nothing in this world i want more then to meet new people and stuff only i feel so sick at the thought of being made a fool or by my problems becoming rumours and people using me for some reason or another, the last people used me to get boyfriends because when i am in the mood i talk to anyone!!
why can;t we all be on hollyoaks and have their lives?
Maybe you had an anxiety attack? Has this happened to you before?
Reply 19
I'm picturing a valley girl in my head for some reason.