The Student Room Group


I noticed that some people on here suffered with this condition. i am not trying to self diagnose but would like some suggestions.
For the past four years i have been suffering with fatigue...sounds vague but i am just exhausted!! my legs ache and sometimes just give way. i sleep most of the day. if i do any exercise it exhausts me and the next day i am worn out.
I have had some trouble with iron defficiency, so i know that that must contribute sometimes. however even when my iron has returned to normal i feel just as tired!!! i am known as the one who sleeps at uni!!!
anyway, the doctors have performed exaustive tests on the iron thing. thyroid, glandular fever, coeliacs. you name it they have done it.
i now suffer from clinical depression becuase i get so tired. i find it really hard to concentrate and have to do everything in small bites.
I am basically wondering if anyone think this sounds anything like M.E ?
I don't have swollen glands or anything. Just exaustion.

I would really really appreciate a reply on this guys. if i solve this mystery i will be half way to treating the depression.
i dont want to go straight to the doctors and ask...i dont want them to think i am creating illnesses (which i am not). I want to do it properly and get to the bottom of it.

thanks for reading,

als xxxxxxxx
hello :smile:
Wish i could help. unfortunately i do not know what M.e. is. you could trying calling up NHS direct and they might be able to advise you, they are quite good. Take care.
Reply 2
hello :smile:
Wish i could help. unfortunately i do not know what M.e. is. you could trying calling up NHS direct and they might be able to advise you, they are quite good. Take care.

You seriously think that Nhs direct are going to diagnose ME over the phone?...

I would go to the drs and tell them your symptoms they should be able to help you with what ever it is and a dr should be able to diagnose ME just by looking at you fairly easily.
Reply 3

I have M.E - I was diagnosed around 3 years ago and I'm slowly but surely recovering. Its a very difficult thing to diagnose and theres just so many symptoms id be here all day if I were to go through them all.

How old are you? And where are you from?

I was diagnosed with M.E after having 5 lots of operations (for something unrelaed) and glandular fever. I was very ill for about a year after all the surgury. I was so ill I couldnt even go to school (I was in year 9 at the time). I was diagnosed by an M.E specilist at guys at st thomases hospital in london just before my 14th birthday. I just turned 18 and I am taking 3 a-levels and in school almost full time. I do lead a restricted life though and get very tired, very easily. I don't have the stamina to do stuff like exercise, shopping, clubbing etc. Somedays my body aches all over and recently ive been suffering quite alot with dizzyness and sickness.

Your symptoms do sound like its possible you could have M.E... but I'm not a doctor and I dont know you so obviously I am in no position to diagnose you. Have you spoken to your g.p about this? There are many M.E clinics around the country, with specilists and teams who can diagnose you (if you do have M.E) and guide you to get you on your feet again. I would recomend you speak to your g.p and ask for a referal to a specilist (If you post your area and your age I might be able to give you names of places you can go). Some dont believe M.E exists.. I've had a lot of problems with my g.p so if they arent very supportive, ask for a referal to a specilist.. its in your rights (I guess?).

Although there is no single test to diagnose M.E, specilists can do some tests and diagnose M.E... like there are common findings in M.E sufferers. I think theres something in the white blood cells and stuff like that. I was with my specilist for over 2 hours when he diagnosed me.

If your under 25... maybe contact AYME.. the association of young people with m.e, they are very good and have a helpline you can phone for advice.

As I said - Im not a doctor and I dont know you and Im not saying you do have M.E, but from what youve described, it is a possiblity.

Good luck, keep me informed x x x x
The only way your gonna solve it is if you go the docs. I doubt very much you're creating illnesses...go see em and get this sorted! :biggrin: Its what they're paid for after all!
Reply 5
thanks alot guys.

i was a bit worried i would have to have sickness etc...all i really have is the fatigue and the depression.

anon. im 18 from cheshire. i have been suffering since i was 14/15.

I get exceptionally tired when my iron is low...even though the doctors say t isnt that low.

i suppose i should go to the just scared they will knock me back :frown:
some times depression makes u tired to. Is M.E real, I am not trying to be cruel and I am sure it probably is. Some people are cynical of the condition
Reply 7
M.E is real.. it was offically recognised as a real, neurological condition a few years ago by the CMO (Cheif medical officer). Although there are still some doctors around who do not believe its existance, the majority do. Lately there has been a huge funding to set up M.E clinics around the country, and quite a few have opened in many different areas.

To the OP - I dont know any specilists in your area, but id suggest you ring ayme, and ask them if they can give you any names. If your worried your drs going to knock you back, try and be persistant. As I said, my g.p doesnt believe in M.E. I was referred to an M.E specilist by a gastrontrologist (Can't spell it!!). I was very ill and he was the one who suggested it could be M.E. At that time, we had never heard of M.E before.

You dont have to have sickness to have M.E. There are lots of different severities and symptoms flactuate. I only developed sickness a few months ago. But as Ive already said... Im not saying you have M.E, its a possibility and if your worried get it checked.

x x x x
Reply 8
But.. to be honest.. if the only symptoms you have is tiredness and depression then its also possible that you don't have M.E. I really think you should see a doctor! I thought your original post said you have other symptoms, e.g. muscle/joint pain.

x x x x
Reply 9
my dad has M.E. he has been on tablets for like 10 years...
The problem with ME is that often doctors can only really diagnose it by eliminating other conditions that could have caused the symptoms.

The other thing is that there is a huge list of symptoms, so what each person with it gets varies.
Reply 11
some times depression makes u tired to. Is M.E real, I am not trying to be cruel and I am sure it probably is. Some people are cynical of the condition

Of course it is bloody real, my mum has suffered from it for 15 years and it has been hell for her. The worst thing is when people act like it may not insulting is that when you've suffered from it for 15 years?? Very.
Reply 12
sorry yes i do get muscle pain, but as a result of tirednness. for example walkiing hurts etc.
Reply 13
OP - I think you should go to the doctors, and if you feel like you are being sent away, ask for a referal to a specilist.

Zoea85 - well put, 'The worst thing is when people act like it may not insulting is that when you've suffered from it for 15 years?? Very'

x x x x