The Student Room Group

mind maps or revision notes

Title says it all. Which method do you recommend using for revision. The thing about mindmaps is that i dont know if i can fit sections of the specification on one page and wether it is more effective than taking notes when it comes to rememebring material. One of my teachers said 'whats the point of taking notes when its all in the textbook, a mind map is a picture, if you remeber it, what you have learnt via reading will all be retained and be easily recalled when needed'

With notes it would be clear and structured and it is the tried and tested method (write,read rewrite etc.) of learning.

Comments please.
Reply 1
Why not: precis information from textbooks/websites and then do mind maps?
Reply 2
it depends on what type of learner you are - im a practical learner so i learn from doin past papers
i also use key word cards
Reply 3
With essay questions, I find it helps if you just do structures for all your essays and bullet points of each point/paragraph you want to make. Then you've basically written the whole essay, just more concisely. Go over them and just remember the structures and points you need to make.
It depends which method works best for you really. The good thing about mind maps is that, because you can't possibly fit all the information on to them, you have to be selective and pick out the key points you really need to know. Plus you can make them colourful so they're less boring to look at :smile: How about making detailed revision notes for each topic first and then condensing them on to mind maps afterwards?
One of my teachers said 'whats the point of taking notes when its all in the textbook

Comments please.

your teacher is a moron then. You cannot remember everything by reading, it is the writing which helps you learn.

Besides, textbooks provide too much information, only about 45% of the content is actually asked in the exam, i.e. in AS.
(This is my own opinion)
Reply 6
what i meant to write was that he said if you read slowly and in detail, and then do mindmaps with the important/keywords or selctive bullet points, you can remeber most of the stuff you read as long as you understnad what you learnt.

btw thx for the feedback
Reply 7
I am a fan on mind maps, and I do YES/NO charts for various essay titles (mainly for History & Politics, and not English.)