The Student Room Group

Left warm right cold

Okay this might sound weird but for the last couple of days I've noticed that my right hand is always cold whereas my left is warm (or warmer - it's quite cold in here!). :confused: Also I can't move my right fingers as fast as the ones on the left but I suppose those two are related.

Is this because your heart is on the left side and the blood flows better there or sth? I don't move much and have a low blood pressure as it is but have never had any problems like this before so... Any other ideas why this is and possible suggestions?
Reply 1
Could suggest bad circulation. How is your capillary return in your right finger nails? (Squeeze, watch how long it takes for blood to return, compare with left). I don't have any experience or knowledge myself, but going from what I do know, it could perhaps be to do with circulation. Is there any tingling in your right arm, or is it just cold?
Reply 2
My hands have been like that lately but i am not sure so i cant say why!
Reply 3
Could suggest bad circulation. How is your capillary return in your right finger nails? (Squeeze, watch how long it takes for blood to return, compare with left). I don't have any experience or knowledge myself, but going from what I do know, it could perhaps be to do with circulation. Is there any tingling in your right arm, or is it just cold?

It's only slightly slower than it is left. :smile: Nope, no tingling, just a cold hand. And rubbing the two together doesn't make much difference. It's probably bad circulation but then why isn't my right foot colder than the left? :hmmmm:


Becca L
My hands have been like that lately but i am not sure so i cant say why!

Winter is bad for us all. :biggrin:
Reply 4
For your arms the artery splits level with the bottom of you arms and goes to each arm, for your legs the artery splits at about the height of your belly button and goes left and right so they are not connected in any way and so thats why your right foot isnt any colder than your left.
Okay this might sound weird but for the last couple of days I've noticed that my right hand is always cold whereas my left is warm (or warmer - it's quite cold in here!). :confused: Also I can't move my right fingers as fast as the ones on the left but I suppose those two are related.

Is this because your heart is on the left side and the blood flows better there or sth? I don't move much and have a low blood pressure as it is but have never had any problems like this before so... Any other ideas why this is and possible suggestions?

Actually the opposite is true. When your colder left hand touches your hotter right hand, It conducts heat energy away from it as it is colder to establish an equilirium of ^E. You can get someone else to test the temperature of your hands if you want to know that desperately :p:
Reply 6
My right hand is always cold when im on the computer because its on the mouse, although im not really sure why this makes it get cold...

oh well :P
Reply 7
Actually the opposite is true. When your colder left hand touches your hotter right hand, It conducts heat energy away from it as it is colder to establish an equilirium of ^E. You can get someone else to test the temperature of your hands if you want to know that desperately :p:

But it's not. :confused: It's the opposite. When I press them to my face the right one is definitely colder (today again).


My right hand is always cold when im on the computer because its on the mouse, although im not really sure why this makes it get cold...

oh well :P

I was thinking it might be the mouse. :smile: But I do type with both hands and when the right is on the mouse the left isn't doing anything either so...


For your arms the artery splits level with the bottom of you arms and goes to each arm, for your legs the artery splits at about the height of your belly button and goes left and right so they are not connected in any way and so thats why your right foot isnt any colder than your left.

Ooh okay. :wink: Thanks.

Well at least I'm not the only one with this 'problem', I was thinking it might be 'cos I never wear gloves (mum should know about that :rolleyes: ).
Reply 8
I was thinking it might be the mouse. :smile: But I do type with both hands and when the right is on the mouse the left isn't doing anything either so...

When your left hand isn't doing anything you'll instinctively and subconsciously keep it warm, but if your right is sitting on the mouse it gets cold.
Reply 9
When your left hand isn't doing anything you'll instinctively and subconsciously keep it warm, but if your right is sitting on the mouse it gets cold.

Oh really.. ok then! :smile: Thanks for all your replies!
Reply 10
Oh really.. ok then! :smile: Thanks for all your replies!

I've no idea, I'm guessing really! :biggrin:

I just sit on mine when it gets cold
Reply 11
I always thought this situation happens because there is probably a slight draft (or is it draught?) in the room you are in, in this case to the OPs right.

However if it has been happening for a while and not just in one place then yeah I suppose it could be something else.
Reply 12
I've no idea, I'm guessing really! :biggrin:

I just sit on mine when it gets cold

Doh. :p: :biggrin:


I always thought this situation happens because there is probably a slight draft in the room you are in, in this case to the OPs right.

However if it has been happening for a while and not just in one place then yeah I suppose it could be something else.

There IS a door to my right at home (where I posted this)... although right now it's still kind of different. But then I only just got in and still need to warm up. :smile:
Reply 13
Maybe you can conduct an experiment. Stay sat with the door to your right for a while and see what happens, then turn around and see if the problem is reversed, it's worth a try.
Reply 14
I will if the problem still occurs after being here for a week. :wink: (Door is right behind me at uni so can't test it!)

An old teacher of mine (he's now dead :frown:) had MS, and his body felt different temperatures on the left and right. So if he needed to take a bath, he couldn't make the water too warm or one side would burn while the other still felt only half warm. :eek: Poor guy, he must have been so cold in winter.
Reply 15

Is this because your heart is on the left side

Your heart is in the middle not on the left!

I get this too, i guess its something to do with having your hand on the mouse - blood doesnt get to it as easy//
Reply 16
Your heart is in the middle not on the left!

I get this too, i guess its something to do with having your hand on the mouse - blood doesnt get to it as easy//

Somewhere between the left and middle maybe? :confused: I was taught left...

Yeah it's probably the mouse. :smile:
Reply 17
The heart is to the left of centre
Reply 18
yeah my right hand is colder than my left at the mo cause ive had my right hand on the mouse and the left one scrunched up keeping it warm...but its weird u saying about teh movement...cause im right handed i can move my right fingers and toes more quickly and easily than my left ones...does cold really affect that
Reply 19
yeah my right hand is colder than my left at the mo cause ive had my right hand on the mouse and the left one scrunched up keeping it warm...but its weird u saying about teh movement...cause im right handed i can move my right fingers and toes more quickly and easily than my left ones...does cold really affect that

I'm right handed but lately my left fingers move more quickly, yes. :confused: That's why it bothers me. I've never noticed it before and it's definitely not the draft.