The Student Room Group

Evaluative Commentary On Your Own Work

I've got a question here, and any help or advice would be appreciated.

I'm quite good at English Lang. and Lit., and can evaluate the work of others very well. However, for a piece of coursework, we had to write our own version of an Aborigine story called "Billy's Story". As a follow up piece to that, we had to evaluate and commentate on our own work. This is the bit I'm having trouble on, I just don't know what to write.

I'm aiming for an A/A* final grade, as that has been where all my other courseworks are.


Reply 1
basically ask yourself these questions - im trying to remeber off the top of my head but i will add more if i rember

who is the audience?
how does it suit the type of reader?
what is the purpose?
how well does it serve its purpose?
where would it be ? E.g newspaper ect
what language features are used ? how do they help?
how is it structured?

make sure you cover at least all of those points if you learn the points you will have a mental check list in the exam
Reply 2
In addition to Niaya's ponts I like to say look at the linguistic features of the text:
Lists of Three,
Rhetorical Questions,
Types of Punctuation,
There are loads of these everywhere in your writing more often than not you dont intend to put them in! Go to to find out what any of the terms mean.
Don't use anything that you don't understand though.
Remember aloways use quotations!
Reply 3
In addition to Niaya's ponts I like to say look at the linguistic features of the text:
Lists of Three,
Rhetorical Questions,
Types of Punctuation,
There are loads of these everywhere in your writing more often than not you dont intend to put them in! Go to to find out what any of the terms mean.
Don't use anything that you don't understand though.
Remember aloways use quotations!
thank you could you tell me what
are please