The Student Room Group

Schoolfriends leaving next year...

Hey Everyone.

Next year i'll be in 6th form at the same school i'm in at the moment, BUT all my friends and best friend won't be there. Yes, i know i'll make new friends etc...but it's hard, all my friends that I've known will disappear...I love my friends to bits! I will always keep in touch with them and meet up, but when i'm in school...i'll have no friends to talk to, no one to hang out with at breaks and lunch times, I'll be a loner:frown:

Has anyone been in this situation of not having a single friend you know stay on with you at sixth form?
Reply 1
Yes it will be hard but what do you think's gonna happen after 6th form anyway? you all go your separate ways eventually - sucks at first, but then you make new friends and voila you have 2 sets. It's hard but just part of life i'm afraid.
Reply 2
Yep, all my friends went to college and I went on to a different sixth form so like you I was also really worried (especially because most of the people at the sixth form I was going to had known each other since year7 and I was going to be the 'new girl') But when I got to sixth form everyone was really friendly and I had no problem making some good friends! Its natural for you to worry at this stage but you will find that the friends you make in sixth form/ college are going to be your friends for life! just give people a chance, get to know them and you'll see that you have a lot in common :wink:
Reply 3
Yep, all of my friends left and went to diffo schools etc. I should've gone really, but I didn't. I think I've widened my group of friends as a result, was hard at the beginning as I had to break into other groups - but it's cool now, don't mind at all :smile: They'll always be my best friends, but I have far more aquaintances now = more parties and socials lol!
Reply 4
Your a teenager, it happens to everybody

You'll be fine
Reply 5
I've been in a smiliar situation too...i am a year behind for certain reasons...and all my friends went to uni this year. I was a year behind last year too but i didn't notice as much cos i saw all my friends at lunch/breaks etc but cos i still had them i didn't make the effort i should of done with the year i am in now so it's been really hard gettin used to it all. You'll easily make friends though so don't worry too much, everyone has been really nice n friendly, it really shouldn't be a problem! Good luck! xx
Reply 6
Why are you staying instead of going wherever they are going? Follow them to whatever college they are going to. You'll be much happier in the long run.