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Reply 1
Everyone hates's a known fact.
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Reply 3
I really hate Nissan Micras I think they are slow and havent got enough power in them. I cringe when I pass one and I can't even park next to one. (weird I know) Does anyone feel the same about the car

Hence them being cheap and not marketed as a powerful car?
:itsme: dont like them either :p:
My friends mum has a nissan micra,so does her dad, her aunty, her aunty's daughter, her other aunty...etc :eek:
Reply 5
omg i would die
lol!! its because they run a family Driving School business so they all have the same car but just different colour :p:
Reply 7
Well, I don't like many small cars, but at least the Micra is well made....although it's a bit cute and naff. Does what it's designed to though.
i had a micra for a few month until i got my astra. at least it was reliable and never had any problems
Reply 9
It serves a purpose. It's pretty good at it. Don't know why one should feel so strongly about it.
Reply 10
As others have said they're very good at what they're supposed to do. They're not fast but neither are most cars on the road.

Some people might say that someone who buys a micra might also not be very good at parking and so more likely to drive into your car while driving out of the parking space, so not parking next to one might be a good call :smile:

My sister's got a micra though and hasn't bumped it while parking as far as I know!
Reply 11
I've got a 2005 Micra, and it has been spectacularly good. It's extremely rare here in Mexico, I think we only got less than a 1000 this year and that's the first year they bring them. And they've advertised them as the ultimate car for hip young people. Here we use American cars way more than European, and practically all cars available here are larger than mine. I do feel intimidated sometimes with the big and powerful motors of other cars or the sheer sizes of American pickups and SUVs, both abounding, but I'd never change my car for anything. Great gas usage, fits everywhere (even with the difficulties of parking here I have never had any close encounters) and awesomely good design. For $144,000 pesos (7200 pounds approx) a car with a 1.2 motor, AC, and loads of great little details, is a bargain.
nissans in general are quite reliable cars i hear. i guess its a nice small first car to have
the middle micra looks like a mr men car, new ones are a bit weird looking but not as bad but the very old ones are just awful but i spose all cars were square and ugly then
Reply 14
:frown: I have one and I love it. True, they're not the best cars around, but not everyone can afford a super fast one! I've never had any problems with mine, and it's easy to park because it's so small. And it was voted car of the year in 1993! Lol.
Reply 15
I had my driving lessons in a Nissan Micra and did not like it lol. I'm glad i don't have to drive it anymore! This was an old one, not one of the new ones.
Reply 16
Ugly and slow, but
it's a bit cute and naff. Does what it's designed to do though.
Reply 17
I saw some lad (18/19) buying alloys for his micra earlier. So its not just OAP's that drive them, boy racers too :wink: :p:
Haven't driven one of the latest ones, but I tried the last model and it was a horrible drive. What's been said about reliability is true though.
Hate them. The new one looks like a frog. It was an on going joke with me and my instructor who said if you are going to write off a car make it a micra