I've got a 2005 Micra, and it has been spectacularly good. It's extremely rare here in Mexico, I think we only got less than a 1000 this year and that's the first year they bring them. And they've advertised them as the ultimate car for hip young people. Here we use American cars way more than European, and practically all cars available here are larger than mine. I do feel intimidated sometimes with the big and powerful motors of other cars or the sheer sizes of American pickups and SUVs, both abounding, but I'd never change my car for anything. Great gas usage, fits everywhere (even with the difficulties of parking here I have never had any close encounters) and awesomely good design. For $144,000 pesos (7200 pounds approx) a car with a 1.2 motor, AC, and loads of great little details, is a bargain.