The Student Room Group


I normally walk loads because of uni and stuff about 6 miles a day. Anyway its my way of staying slim but I'm home for xmas and have the car so I want to go running instead.

Whats the best time to run? I don't want to go too early or late because I need it to be light because i'm a girl and don't want to get attacked but at the same time I don't want many people to see me because I'm not the fittest and haven't jogged in a couple of years.

So what time? Also how far should I run to get me back into it.
Reply 1
early morning then if u dont want people to see u......

just run as far as you can without becoming a breathless heap on the floor... you can increase it each time, just go as far as you feel u can..
Reply 2
but how early this is the thing because I live in a village so the plan is to go out the end of the village, go down the main road (on the path) its an A road so can't be at the time people go to work or else I'll get beeped at loads and its only flattering when you look good and then down to the other end of the village over the bridges and back through the middle of the village home thats about 3 miles so I was thinking I could do that twice. But if I go at like 7.30 it'll be too dark but 8.30 will be rush hour traffic. Damn it why aren't i fit.
Reply 3
Well whilst it's winter and the mornings are dark there isn't really any option. What kind of a society do we live in where a person can't even go out jogging without being beeped at and feeling conscious of how they look.
Reply 4
yeah I guess I'll just have to take the beeps over the whole rape thing. Damn I'd join the gym for 3 weeks if it wasn't so bloody expensive
Reply 5
if your aiming for fat loss then running in the morning on an empty stomach is best, but for general fitness any time during the day is fine really. the earlier the better though.

as for how long you need to do it, just keep your heart rate up for about 20 mins or so should be your aim.
Reply 6
well I want to cover roughly the same ground that I walk then it won't matter if I don't jog that much. Exercise makes my asthma bad so i have to take it alot easier than I used to which is annoying. Its general fitness really I don't want to lose anymore weight I just don't want to pile on the lbs because I'm not walking.
Reply 7
Reply 8
I gave up on being anonymous I don't know why I posted it anonymous in the first place I was just playing with the button
Reply 9
haha :biggrin:
Reply 10
just do it to keep your heart rate up for about 20 mins at least 3 times a week then for general fitness.